Title says it all, every time I shut down I have to rerun xinput --set-prop 11 "Synaptics Finger" 10 15 100
again is there any way to fix this?
2 Answers
I had the exact same issue. As an alternative to Humpity's answer, I just made a shell script saved in my home directory then added it to my Startup Applications
"Startup script.sh":
xinput set-prop "appletouch" "Synaptics Finger" 10, 20, 100
Then open the Startup Applications
GUI (which should be installed by default in ubuntu) and add a new entry to the list with the command field like so:
"/home/user_name/Startup script.sh"
Put a command inside a .desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=USER autostart
Comment=my commands after X startup
Exec=<your command>
And save it as [your-home]/.config/autostart/user-autostart.desktop This will execute when X starts.