I have just(October 2012) finished my undergraduate studies in Applied Physics(D.Sc., D.Eng.) at National Technical University of Athens(NTUA). My thesis was about the MicroMEGAS detector where I constructed, studied, simulated and analysed data. I have enrolled(October 2012) in a M.Sc. programm called Physics and Technological Applications (NTUA) and I hope to continue with a Ph.D.
My working experience includes 7 years student's tutoring(university,high school, primary school), 1 year of developing laser systems on behalf of the NTUA Laser Group, 1 year of detector studies on behalf of the NTUA High Energy Physics Group(HEP-NTUA) and a month working at CERN on behalf of the RD51 collaboration, in detector RnD.
My future plans include Ph.D studies in the USA or Europe in the field of experimental Physics(I should decide on which particular field), marrying my girlfriend and working in research.
Other interests include culinary, pastry, photography, basketball, cinema, completing tutorial in various fields and computing.
I am a new user of ubuntu(10.04 LTS)(since July 2012).