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Zombo's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
58 votes

How to find frames per second of any video file?

29 votes

How to unzip a zip file from the Terminal?

27 votes

Find and replace text within a file using commands

16 votes

Shell - Navigate up 'n' directories

10 votes

Bash remove first and last characters from a string

9 votes

Remove First n Lines of a Large Text File

8 votes

How to remove lines with a number less than 60 in column 3?

7 votes

How do I determine the total size of a directory (folder) from the command line?

7 votes

Is there a command-line program to read tags from .m4a files?

4 votes

How to print multiline variables in side-by-side columns in bash?

3 votes

How do I insert a line at the top of a text file using the command line?

3 votes

How do I remove all lines in a file that are less than 6 characters?

2 votes

Embedding album art in m4a files?

2 votes

How to run a script without closing the terminal?

2 votes

How to make Firefox run Adobe Flash even when it's outdated?

2 votes

How can I display the current time & date setting?

2 votes

climb up the directory tree faster

2 votes

How to send mail from the command line?

2 votes

Native flac .cue splitter

2 votes

Script or function to return how many days from now until a given date

1 vote

How can I uniqely record every new command I use, and possibly timestamp it?

1 vote

How to avoid duplicate entries in .bash_history

1 vote

What is the difference in using "touch file" and "> file" in creating a new file?

1 vote

How to print an octal value's corresponding UTF-8 character in bash?

1 vote

How do I exclude a directory by name using find?

1 vote

How do I remove lines of a file which contain a specific string?

1 vote

How to replace a string on the 5th line of multiple text files?

1 vote

Find all occurrences of a word in a file and add a string to them?

1 vote

How to find lines matching a pattern and delete them?

1 vote

Removing specific strings from file