Welcome to my profile. Just a heads up I'm not a registered user. Some basic yet useful information is included below for no particular reason.
Make a VMware Player virtual machine use uefi instead of bios:
- Browse to the vm folder and edit it's ".vmx" file so that it has an added line reading " fireware = "efi" ".
Install an application:
- Open terminal and type "sudo apt-get install application-name".
Update your apt list:
- Open terminal and type "sudo apt-get update".
Uninstall an applicaton:
- Open terminal and type "sudo apt-get purge application-name".
Set KDM as your default desktop manager:
- Open terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm".
Open a .bundle file in terminal:
- Open terminal and type "sudo sh /home/username/Downloads/example.bundle".
Enable logging in as root in KDE4:
Open terminal and type "sudo passwd root".
Enter the password you want for root.
Open terminal and type "sudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc".
In Kate edit "AllowRootLogin=false" to read "AllowRootLogin=true".
Reboot your computer.