2 votes

[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey)

Change the default key names for ssh By default, ssh clients and servers look for the private keys in format id_<encryption_type>. For example id_ed25519, id_rsa, etc. This is evident from the ...
user68186's user avatar
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Is it expected to not have `rsyslog` installed after a fresh install of ubuntu server?

The minimized image does not contain rsyslog. Your experience is expected. You are right that journald is still installed as part of systemd. The /dev/log file has pointed to journald for several ...
Andrew Lowther's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to connect to my vps through ssh using PublicKeys

authorized_keys is a file not a directory. Copy the contents of your id_rsa.pub file into the authorized_keys FILE on your remote server in the target user's .ssh folder in their home space. If ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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How to submit the folder contents by Rsync with SSL keys protected by the passphrase?

The -e option for rsync is (from man rsync): --rsh=COMMAND, -e specify the remote shell to use [...] --rsh=COMMAND, -e This option allows you to choose an alternative remote shell ...
terdon's user avatar
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accidentally did `sudo rm -r /*`, can I fix it?

As elaborated in in this question, the command you issued was fatal beyond recovery. You most likely have to use your backup to restore your system. If you don't have a backup ( :-((( ), you can ...
zx485's user avatar
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SSH freezing moments after successfully connecting, then Broken Pipe

We got a second machine, which I set up identically, and funny enough SSHing to it didn't result in any freezing problems. I pondered in the background, until later I had a flash of insight: What had ...
Pavel Komarov's user avatar
1 vote

Ubuntu "Connection reset by peer"

The Raspberry Pi was listed as DMZ on the router. Once that was delisted everything worked as expected.
karel's user avatar
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Using SSH authentication configurations for xrdp

it's good what you did, but the usually more secure approach would be tunneling the xrdp connection over ssh. you may find the detailed process here
alex's user avatar
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