42 votes

nfs error 'no locks available' after update to 16.10

Someone in systemd land decided that starting nfs shouldn't start the statd service which nfs uses to provide locks. So, your fix should be simple, on the host machine: sudo systemctl enable rpc-...
aychedee's user avatar
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42 votes

How to configure a NFS mounting in fstab?

A typical /etc/fstab entry for a NFS mount looks like as follows: /media/freenas/ nfs defaults 0 0 The options you supply looks pretty much default, but you can ...
Thomas's user avatar
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28 votes

Permission denied error when running apps installed as snap packages - Ubuntu 17.04

I ran into this because my home directory is symlinked from /home/$USER to another mount point. I fixed it with the suggestion from when /home is somewhere else, snaps don't work. In short, you need ...
Jonathan Perry-Houts's user avatar
23 votes

Permission denied error when running apps installed as snap packages - Ubuntu 17.04

Same happens in Ubuntu 18.04. If the user home directory is not under the /home (or /) mount, it not possible to work with snap. My HOMEDIR was on another local SSD disk, but since it was not mounted ...
estibordo's user avatar
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18 votes

How do I mount a CIFS share?

It's as map7 said, but if you don't want to use root permissions every time you change a file on the drive, then you'll have to mount to a user folder, and make sure the gid and uid are set to your ...
binamenator's user avatar
16 votes

One NFS server to multiple clients

In your /etc/exports file, you can either use a wildcard: /path/to/share *(rw,sync,etc) Or you can use CIDR notation /path/to/share,sync) Or you can put multiple IPs in ...
rm-vanda's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I make the nfs server support protocol version 2 in Ubuntu 17.10?

You need to modify /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server to have these lines: RPCNFSDOPTS="--nfs-version 2,3,4 --debug --syslog" # To confirm above mods are in effect after service restart use # cat /...
Gary's user avatar
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11 votes

Configure mounting timeout at boot

Now it is 2020 and this question can be updated to represent current status. In a nutshell, the timeout can be set by using x-systemd.mount-timeout parameter: From manpages: Mount units may either be ...
Duloren's user avatar
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10 votes

auto mount NFS via autonfs

To mount NFS shares we need to install nfs-common: sudo apt-get install nfs-common To save us from retyping this after every reboot we add the following line to /etc/fstab: <nfs-server-IP>:/ ...
Izzno's user avatar
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10 votes

Permission denied error when running apps installed as snap packages - Ubuntu 17.04

You can set the permissions of the Snap Application from the Software Store. The following steps are tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Open Software Select the Installed tab. A list of installed software ...
Fabian de Boer's user avatar
10 votes

Is it safe to do symlinks for the entire machine?

No. That would render your virtual machine unbootable. The NFS system is loaded at a certain point in the booting process. Before this point, no files on the NFS will be accessible. This means that ...
terdon's user avatar
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10 votes

Is it safe to do symlinks for the entire machine?

You cannot make / a symbolic link. It just isn't possible. / has to be a directory. If / was a symbolic link, it would point to some path — and to resolve that path, the system would go through /, ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
9 votes

How do I mount NFS through nautilus?

** Interim Answer ** I'm still trying to get the dialog to work properly but, as a temporary workaround, I thought I should share this: Tested in 15.10, 16.04, and 16.10, if you create a mount point ...
tudor -Reinstate Monica-'s user avatar
8 votes

How to mount a NFS share in Ubuntu 16.04?

I found the following solution here. Apparrently, you have to use specific systemd options in fstab. servername:/home /mountpoint/on/client nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=...
Ralph's user avatar
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7 votes

In Ubuntu 16.04 not start rpcbind on boot

It's bug systemd config rpcbind unit in Ubuntu 16. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rpcbind/+bug/1558196 Solution: systemctl add-wants multi-user.target rpcbind.service
Николай Емашев's user avatar
7 votes

FSTAB not loading properly

I think that the problem is the relative paths used. If you run in console: mount -t nfs ~/Videos Works because the ~ refers to the user's home folder. When you restart the ...
LilloX's user avatar
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6 votes

Permission denied error when running apps installed as snap packages - Ubuntu 17.04

Snap apps are confined to a sandbox by default, for security. If you want snap applications to be able to read/write data in your home directory, you should install them in classic mode. Try: rclone ...
Prajjwal's user avatar
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6 votes

Why am I getting "permission denied" when connecting to my NFS share?

In order to connect to the NFS share with MacOS, the share must be defined with the insecure flag. All that means is its allowing a connection from a non standard port (which macOS uses). So your ...
nullmeta's user avatar
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6 votes

ls files in directory where a mount is above it

You can do so using a bind-mount. First you need to create a directory which we use as mount point for the bind-mount: sudo mkdir /mnt/mymountpoint (We cannot use /mnt here as suggested in the links ...
mook765's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I mount a CIFS share?

1) My samba share shows in Caja (the ubuntu 16.04 „explorer“) as smb://thinkpad/ddrive/ This is a good lithmus test, there are no connection/path issues. (caveat: If you get asked by caja about ...
Frank N's user avatar
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5 votes

nfs is blocked by ufw even though ports are opened

You don't have to do complex operations with new versions of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 18.04 ufw and nfs-kernel-server. Just use this command to allow nfs on your host sudo ufw allow from your_client_ip to any ...
Gokhan Boranalp aka kunthar's user avatar
5 votes

How to use NFS to share a mounted drive?

This can be achieved by enabling cross mounting. Just add crossmnt to your exported entry in /etc/exports /srv *(rw,fsid=0,no_subtree_check,crossmnt) And don't forget to issue the appropriate ...
Waqar Rashid's user avatar
5 votes

How to mount from an IP address using NFS?

You are missing a colon (:) after the remote server IP: sudo mount /local/ubuntu Assuming the remote server ( has exported /exports and you are mounting it on /...
heemayl's user avatar
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5 votes

How to set up a shared HDD

Okay, your question asks several things so I will try and address them individually. 1. Do I need to format the HDD as NFS (or other type?? - and how do I do that) No - you can format the hard drive ...
Foxie's user avatar
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5 votes

Ubuntu 18 NFS Change

Apparently you have to force the pi to ask for NFSv3 otherwise the server defaults to NFSv4. The fix is done on the pi itself in /boot/cmdline.txt. Just append ",tcp,v3" to your nfsroot= parameter ...
Justin Buist's user avatar
5 votes

Error: bad username; while reading /etc/crontab

The specification of cron jobs in the system-wide /etc/crontab file is different from that in regular user crontabs. As noted in man 5 cron: The system crontab (/etc/crontab) uses the same format, ...
steeldriver's user avatar
5 votes

How to reset NFS client after interrupted connection?

You need to use the options soft, bg, and probably timeo like so: sudo mount -t nfs -o soft,bg,timeo=30 IP:/share /mountpoint Please see man nfs for information and usage. When the connection to the ...
Raffa's user avatar
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4 votes

nfs is blocked by ufw even though ports are opened

Accepted answer is correct for old versions of Ubuntu. But now I am using Ubuntu 22, and after trying this option (was working fine in my previous ubuntus on my raspberry pi) seems that is not valid ...
King Midas's user avatar
4 votes

Permission denied error when running apps installed as snap packages - Ubuntu 17.04

We use domain with realm, so our path home is not /home, instead /home/MYDOMAINCOMPANY/. I fixed by editing /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d/ubuntu with that line: @{HOMEDIRS}+=/home/MYDOMAINCOMPANY/ ...
Felipe Oliveira's user avatar
4 votes

How can I make the nfs server support protocol version 2 in Ubuntu 17.10?

If you upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04, you will find that there is no RPCNFSDOPTS variable anymore in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server. I had to hijack RPCNFSDCOUNT to get it to use NFS v2: RPCNFSDCOUNT="--...
fork2execve's user avatar

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