82 votes

Is knowledge of C# of any use in a Linux system?

Yes, you can develop software on Ubuntu, that itself will run on Ubuntu, in C#. Both Mono and .NET Core support GNU/Linux systems like Ubuntu. (You can use them on other distros, too, like Debian, ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
77 votes

Mono Package for Wine is not installed

Do the following to install wine-mono: Download wine-mono.msi from the official WineHQ site. Type wine64 uninstaller. Press install from the uninstaller GUI and select the downloaded .msi package. ...
PSN's user avatar
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60 votes

Is knowledge of C# of any use in a Linux system?

Most likely you will stumble upon http://www.mono-project.com/ As the About Mono page says: Mono, the open source development platform based on the .NET Framework, allows developers to build ...
Finn's user avatar
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43 votes

Mono Package for Wine is not installed

Installing .NET instead should work as well. For example by the following commands in a terminal: sudo apt-get install winetricks winetricks dotnet45
kenorb's user avatar
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42 votes

How to Completely remove mono?

sudo apt remove --purge --auto-remove mono-runtime This will then completely remove mono from your system to correct the issue.
Demon's user avatar
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34 votes

Why do my bluetooth Sony stero headphones only play in mono?

I solve my mono headphone problem that comes out after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 open terminal and start bluetooth controller sequence $ bluetoothctl Now the environmet intermenal should be ...
osencan's user avatar
  • 341
26 votes

How can I "install" fonts to use in Visual Studio Code?

To set this beautiful fonts up use the following steps Download the fonts from here Unzip and in the ttf folder double click each file and select install from the dialogue box that appears Setup ...
George Udosen's user avatar
25 votes

What are .dlls doing in Linux programs?

The games you are speaking about are based on the .NET Framework and running with Mono, which is a free and open-source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework. Because these applications are ....
Golboth's user avatar
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22 votes

Is knowledge of C# of any use in a Linux system?

You can now develop server applications on Linux using C# (.NET Core framework), like you can use Java or Python. By server applications I mean web applications and web service (REST) applications ...
gorlok's user avatar
  • 322
19 votes

How can I compile, run and decompile C# code in Ubuntu terminal?

You need to install mono-complete if you want to run software for Mono or Microsoft .NET which you are not installing from a Debian package. Install mono-complete. In all currently supported versions ...
karel's user avatar
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17 votes

What is this mono process running at startup?

As pointed out in the answer by Thomas, it's easy enough to stop or disable this server, but you may want to consider whether you actually might want it running before you do. I found this question ...
Spam Hater's user avatar
12 votes

How do I refresh the icon cache?

You need to: Update the timestamp on the top-level icon directory Run gtk-update-icon-cache. Note: hicolor is the default theme which app developers should use. If you're making an icon theme, ...
Brendan Long's user avatar
11 votes

MonoDevelop reports Build Successful but there is no exe file

I just stumbled upon this too. Clean, Build, Rebuild all report successful, but nothing really happens. To fix this, you must install package mono-devel, which is also in the recommends tag ...
Olaf Dietsche's user avatar
10 votes

What is this mono process running at startup?

The mono-xsp4 is shipped with a SysV init script at /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4. To disable the automatic startup run the following command. update-rc.d mono-xsp4 disable
Thomas's user avatar
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9 votes

What's the fastest way to extract just one channel (left or right) from an audio CD?

You can indeed do this with the sox command-line audio processing tool. To select a single channel from an input file (for demonstration purposes, I use a wave file) and write it to a new wave file, ...
applesoup's user avatar
  • 191
9 votes

Why do my bluetooth Sony stero headphones only play in mono?

If your headset supports STEREO, you can change the settings at SOUND PREFERENCES. (Assuming you successfully connected your BT headset) Go to System-Preferences-Sound Click HARDWARE Tab. You should ...
Aghasi Grigoryan's user avatar
9 votes

What are .dlls doing in Linux programs?

The .dll files in GameDataFolder/Managed belong to a native code program that uses Mono internally. The Unity game engine embeds Mono (even on most Windows platforms). Cross-platform executables and ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
9 votes

How can I compile, run and decompile C# code in Ubuntu terminal?

You can use mono which is C# implementation, having cross-platform support and is open source. Open terminal and install mono: For Ubuntu 20.04 (Stable) sudo apt install gnupg ca-certificates sudo apt-...
Sonevol's user avatar
  • 696
9 votes

How to develop for Android with Xamarin?

Short answer Yes, you can develop with Xamarin.Android on Ubuntu! However, since Linux, sadly, isn't oficially supported by Xamarin, it's not as straightforward as it would be on Windows. In short, ...
m93a's user avatar
  • 417
8 votes

Cannot Install Mono (Depends Errors)

Thanks to a comment to my question by xangua, I saw I had added a PPA that was not meant for Ubuntu. If you follow their instructions at http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/linux/...
Buford T. Justice's user avatar
8 votes

Can I write programs in C# on Ubuntu?

You can develop C# applications on linux with .NET Core: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core After you install it, type dotnet new in your terminal to get a list of application templates which can be ...
ttt's user avatar
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8 votes

How to install Monodevelop in 20.04 and get it to build something?

I managed to fix this on Ubuntu 20.04. First, add mono-project's repo for 18.04 by following the official instructions, pasted here for convenience: sudo apt install gnupg ca-certificates sudo apt-...
vydd's user avatar
  • 81
7 votes

Mono broken after attempt to upgrade, unable to use apt

I'm not 100% certain that these commands in this order will solve the problem every time but this is what happened and I was able to successfully reinstall Mono to get the applications that depend on ...
Matthew Wright's user avatar
6 votes

Mono does not appear to be installed error (WineTricks)

http://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-mono d/l the latest version and place the .msi into /usr/share/wine/mono then continue with installation of dotnet45
Demon's user avatar
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6 votes

Mono Package for Wine is not installed

Other answers were not working for me on 18.04 LTS with winehq-stable package. The workaround I found was to recreate wine32 and wine64 prefixes and install wine-mono on that with the automatic ...
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
5 votes

Mono does not appear to be installed error (WineTricks)

Do the below to install wine-mono. Download wine-mono.msi from the official winehq site. Type wine64 uninstaller. Press install from the uninstaller GUI and select the downloaded .msi package. Done!
PSN's user avatar
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5 votes

error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0001' near line 0: newline in field name `#padding'

here's how i fixed this problem .. first i removed the whole updates directory .. rm -r /var/lib/dpkg/updates after that create a new updates directory mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/updates and finally sudo ...
REVENGE977's user avatar
5 votes

How to redirect the output from desktop-entry

You can't do that directly since that command is executed directly, not via a shell, so I/O redirection doesn't work here. But it should work to wrap it into a shell call, like this: Exec=sh -c "...
HuHa's user avatar
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4 votes

Mono, failing to open executable

WARNING **: Missing method EnableVisualStyles Try installing mono-complete e.g. by: sudo apt-get install mono-complete Source: Can't run on Ubuntu at GitHub WARNING **: Could not load file or ...
kenorb's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I write programs in C# on Ubuntu?

You could use Visual Studio Code using apt: wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode ...
Gryu's user avatar
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