2 votes

ThinkPad T440 keyboard not listed in LXQT settings Keyboard and Mouse

Mouse & Keyboard → Keyboard layout → add and choose french, the keyboard model isn't important as far as your keys work all. at the bottom in this section there are the keys to choose The panel ...
standreas's user avatar
2 votes

How to Edit App .desktop File Installed by Snap?

That the application is installed as a snap should not prevent you from editing it's .desktop-file. I also don't see the need to edit this .desktop-file , at least not in your screenshot. However, you ...
mook765's user avatar
  • 16k
1 vote

Is there a current version of PCManFM-Qt that's ready to go?

You've not provided the essential release details. (a) Lubuntu 21.10 with LXQt 0.17 You're using an unsupported release of Lubuntu, thus upgrades are not available as we don't support it. Lubuntu 21....
guiverc's user avatar
  • 30.4k
1 vote

'screen' [ctrl + a]+ k not working

You asked this first in Unix&Linux.SE. Shortly put, here's the answer: You need to first press Ctrl+a, then release those keys, then press k alone (or with the Ctrl key). Ctrl+a then k is "...
telcoM's user avatar
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Lubuntu 19.10 & 20.04: How to tile windows? The window tiling section is missing in lxqt-rc.xml

Your answers helped me to be able to use window tiling with Lubuntu 22.04 and LXQt 0.17.0. I just added also four screens in the four corners, a max screen and a mid screen to DK Bose's Code. <!-- ...
BenJaMin's user avatar

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