85 votes

Disable Docker autostart at boot?

On the systems since Ubuntu 16.04+ (where OS uses systemd), according to the doc, autostart on boot can be turned off by: $ sudo systemctl disable docker.service $ sudo systemctl disable docker.socket ...
TitanFighter's user avatar
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62 votes

Nginx - disable autostart

Update: I made changes to supports more distributions: use this: sudo systemctl disable nginx It will disable it and if you like to stop running service use this: sudo systemctl stop nginx works on ...
S.M.Mousavi's user avatar
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58 votes

How can I configure a service to run at startup

Since Ubuntu 15.10 and newer (resp. Debian 8 "jessie" and newer), you have to use the following command to configure your service minidlna to run at startup: sudo systemctl enable minidlna....
tanius's user avatar
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29 votes

Disable gnome-software from loading at startup

Go to /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-software-service.desktop and remove the line NoDisplay=true or change true to false. Then GNOME Software should appear in your Startup Applications list. You can ...
pomsky's user avatar
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13 votes

How can I add new autostart programs in Lubuntu?

For Lubuntu 19.04+ Click on Menu > Preferences > LXQt settings > Session Settings Click on Autostart in the left pane of the window that appears: In here, you can type in the appropriate command ...
DK Bose's user avatar
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12 votes

How do I disable Ktorrent from autostarting on login?

When you close ktorrent, it's still running in the system tray. If you have "restore previous session" enabled in the System "Startup and Shutdown" settings, KTorrent will be re-started in windowed ...
Kurtoid's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I disable autostart of mysql server?

Ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd to control autostart of services. Try using the systemctl command: sudo systemctl disable mysql
Søren Sjøstrøm's user avatar
11 votes

How to get Synergy to Autostart at login on Ubuntu 16.04

You should be able to do it by linking the synergy.desktop file into your ~/.config/autostart/ folder by running the following command: ln -s /usr/share/applications/synergy.desktop ~/.config/...
Terrance's user avatar
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11 votes

Disable gnome-software from loading at startup

From https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/92941/how-to-stop-fedora-24-gnome-software-auto-updating/, try these two options: Disable it in gsettings gsettings set org.gnome.software download-...
Panther's user avatar
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11 votes

OpenVPN AutoStart Ubuntu 18.04

If you save your configuration as a MY_CONNECTION.conf file in your /etc/openvpn directory, you can do the following: systemctl enable openvpn@MY_CONNECTION systemctl start openvpn@MY_CONNECTION ...
Matt Aguirre's user avatar
11 votes

How to run my snap application on startup

Get the exact path of the snap location you wish to execute. You can do that by executing the following in the Terminal - which nameOfSnap /usr/bin/nameOfSnap #copy this path Search for "Startup ...
Niket Pathak's user avatar
10 votes

How to run scripts on start up?

cron answer implemented different from top voted This answer still uses cron but uses a different method than the top voted answer. This works since Ubuntu 16.04 but probably supported much sooner. It'...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
10 votes

preventing transmission-daemon from auto start?

On newer versions using systemd it is a bit different. Check if it is enabled with: systemctl status transmission-daemon.service Which will return something like: transmission-daemon.service - ...
amanusk's user avatar
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10 votes

How to launch terminal on login

You can do this without GUI: On your terminal, navigate to .config/autostart directory. .config/autostart may be in your home directory: cd ~/.config/autostart Open the (new) gnome-terminal.desktop ...
Daniel Okwufulueze's user avatar
10 votes

What is the difference between ~/.config/autostart and ~/.config/autostart-scripts?

The autostart directory is a part of the freedesktop.org/XDG Desktop Application Autostart Specification. Per that spec, a compliant desktop environment will search $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart for any ....
villapx's user avatar
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10 votes

Opening a spreadsheet at startup on LibreOffice in Ubuntu studio 21.04

Your string is: 'soffice --calc -o ⁄home⁄chris⁄Documents⁄Spreadsheets⁄Top\ 250\ films.ods' whereas it should be 'soffice --calc -o /home/chris/Documents/Spreadsheets/Top\ 250\ films.ods' Do you see ...
FedKad's user avatar
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9 votes

Disable Docker autostart at boot?

Ok, I think I managed to get it working, following How to enable or disable services?: sudo bash -c 'echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/docker.override' Hope that was it...
sdbbs's user avatar
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8 votes

How to get LightDM automatically started at startup after disabling it (in Ubuntu MATE)?

An enabled service should have a symlink to the unit file in /lib/systemd/system in /etc/systemd/system. The systemctl enable command should create that symlink, but in this case it fails for some ...
Gunnar Hjalmarsson's user avatar
7 votes

How to shut down Ubuntu after 2 hours of being idle?

This is an old question but I thought I would answer it with what works for me in Ubuntu 21.04. You can set an IdleAction in your systemd/logind.conf file. Edit the file using: sudo nano /etc/systemd/...
Floyd Powers's user avatar
7 votes

How can I stop mongodb from starting on system boot

This worked for me and I'm using Ubuntu 18.04: sudo systemctl disable mongod
Abdul Rehman's user avatar
7 votes

How to get LightDM automatically started at startup after disabling it (in Ubuntu MATE)?

Reconfiguring LightDM worked for me (xubuntu 18.04): sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
Sergey V's user avatar
7 votes

What is the difference between ~/.config/autostart and ~/.config/autostart-scripts?

If you don't have it, create it mkdir ~/.config/autostart/ As for the ~/.config/autostart-scripts file, it is documented in ArchWiki article on KDE: ~/.config/autostart-scripts for executing ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
7 votes

How to disable onedrive service from autostarting

Disclosure: I am the developer of the OneDrive Client for Linux - https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive This issue is caused by the Ubuntu PPA package creating a symbolic link when the package is ...
abraunegg's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I stop mongodb from starting on system boot

This is borrowed from this answer: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/mongod.override
davelupt's user avatar
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6 votes

Service (grafana-server) does not start automatically on Ubuntu 16.04

check if /etc/systemd/system/grafana-server.service if a correct link to /lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service If not, create /lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service the source file is here : ...
f35's user avatar
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6 votes

Having apps stay open when the computer starts

In any desktop environment, you can autostart programs after login. Do this if you want a few specific programs to be always available. In many desktop environments, you can save "sessions". ...
vanadium's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I get Skype for Linux alpha minimized to system tray at autostart

'Minimize to tray on startup' functionality has been integrated in the app and is fully functional from version The app however is Skype for Linux Beta at this point.
rsnaveen's user avatar
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5 votes

How to redirect stdout and stderr in desktop entry?

Change your Exec=sslocal > log 2> &1 into Exec=bash -c 'sslocal > log 2> &1' The simple reason for that is because > is shell operator and 2>&1 uses file ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
5 votes

How to rotate screen at startup

When to run this command When you run this command from /etc/rc.local, it is too early. Xrandr commands (just like commands to change keyboard and mousepad- settings) need to be run after login, with ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
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5 votes

Can scripts be run directly from the ~/.config/autostart folder?

Instead of Exec=command1;command2;command3 try Exec=sh -c "command1;command2;command3"
vanadium's user avatar
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