Questions tagged [xonsh]

Use for questions about installing, running, and configuring the Xonsh terminal. Do not use this tag if the question is terminal-agnostic (that is, the question applies equally to bash, zsh, or any other emulator).

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1 answer

Translate bash command to xonsh

I have a .sh script i used which is no longer working. It checks if a Docker container exists by: if [ -z "$(docker ps -q -a -f name=mujoco_roboy)" ] This does not work in xonsh. (docker ps ...
Florian Schneider's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I enable case-insensitive autocompletion on Xonsh?

I'm running the Xonsh shell, and I would like to emulate case-insensitive tab completion a la zsh. As an example, typing ~/Downl<TAB> and ~/downl<TAB> should both autocomplete to ~/...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.1k