Questions tagged [woeusb]

WoeUSB is a simple tool that enables you to create your own USB stick Windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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WoeUSB exit code:256 on Ubuntu 18.04

Installation failed! Exit code: 256 Log: WoeUSB v@@WOEUSB_VERSION@@ ============================== Mounting source filesystem... Wiping all existing partition table and filesystem signatures in /dev/...
GhostInTheShell's user avatar
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Problem when creating bootable USB drive for Windows 10 installation

When trying to create a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 on Ubuntu using WoeUSB and the Windows 10 iso, I'm getting this error after it attempts to install it to my drive. Some of it installs to the ...
Lewis.'s user avatar
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WoeUSB-ng does not stop unmounting and removing

I'm trying to use woeusb to create a usb bootable windows 10. During the installation I have a load that seems infinite on the "Unmounting and removing /media/woeusb_target_1642606110_3688...&...
P. Vauclin's user avatar