Questions tagged [uwsgi]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 votes
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Command 'uwsgi' not found

I have installed "uwsgi" using pip method. But when I run uwsgi, I'm getting "Command 'uwsgi' not found, but can be installed with" error. If I again try to install using pip, I'm getting Collecting ...
learner's user avatar
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can't find libpython3.8.a while install uwsgi

when I run the command to install uwsgi, pip install uwsgi I got such error: gcc: error: /home/shawn/anaconda3/envs/i2dl/lib/python3.8/config-3.8-x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.8.a: No such file or ...
Shawn Zhuang's user avatar
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How to config uWSGI path for Django project?

I'm working on this tutorial to setup uWSGI but I'm stuck by this command: uwsgi --http :8080 --home /home/user/Env/firstsite --chdir /home/user/firstsite -w firstsite.wsgi first of all, my actual ...
abdelhamed abdin's user avatar
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Wsgi write to error.log in ascii. Need utf-8

Good day! I have an apache and wsgi application. Everything works fine, but I can’t configure Apache so that the Cyrillic alphabet is written to the journal in its normal form, and not \ xd0 \ xa1 \ ...
Алексей Носиков's user avatar
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Permission Denied - Django Deployment on Ubuntu 16.04 with web server Nginx

I am trying to deploy a django website on a Ubuntu 16.04 system using nginx but I am having issues. ERRORS Error I get from my nginx error.log file: connect() to unix:/home/teddycrepineau/...
Teddy's user avatar
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Trying to setup Django site, but always getting the Apache default page

I am moving my Django site to a new server and I cannot get it running on the new server. I had it running previously, but I fumbled through that a year ago and don't really remember the details. ...
Dan's user avatar
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Systemd crashes after starting uWSGI service

I recently updated a virtual machine from utopic to vivid 15.04. I used to have an init.d script for my uwsgi which no longer works. I followed the official documentation to create a uwsgi service ...
birkett's user avatar
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libapache2-mod-wsgi on Ubuntu 22.04

I would like to install the MoinMoin wiki on Ubuntu 22.04.2 (jammy) server installation. MoinMoin requires Python 2.7, and WSGI. I would like to install the libapache2-mod-wsgi, but it is ...
nograpes's user avatar
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How to give permissions to uwsgi to read a folder?

I am trying to give permissions to uwsgi to read a folder where my django project lives. I have tried the following command: chown -R root:uwsgi /home/myproject/mysite But I am getting this error: ...
hispaniccoder's user avatar
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django app deployment without subdomain

I have deployed a django app to the server i have. Let say its ip is So i was able to access the any site there with I have now deployed the Django App which is a ...
fat potato's user avatar