Questions tagged [ubuntu-wiki]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 answers

How can I browse Ubuntu Wiki offline?

I am accustomed to offline wiki browsing. I thought it would be great if I can read Ubuntu wiki in the same way. Is there anyway I can read Ubuntu Wiki offline? Help will be much appreciated if I ...
Bharadwaj Srigiriraju's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I improve an imutable wiki page which has no talk page?

This Ubuntu Wiki page has an issue. Under 'Inspecting the crash dump using crash' it says to add some repos and keys, but after that I still get NO_PUBKEY errors from apt-get update. Where should I go ...
Ginger Jesus's user avatar
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how to report problem on ubuntu Wiki page? why there is lightdm and not gdm?

I wanted to ask why is there (here in Step 1 lightdm package installed? I believe Ubuntu does not use lightdm but gdm, right? I cannot ...
crysman's user avatar
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Clean upgrade instructions for Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to follow the instructions for doing a clean upgrade at The first part of the instructions is to remove everything in Synaptic's status ...
Edward Diener's user avatar