Questions tagged [truecrypt]

TrueCrypt is free-of-cost and cross-platform disk encryption software whose source code is available.

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2 votes
2 answers

Copying files to Truecrypt file container hangs

I have a dual boot installation with Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bits, NTFS file sytem) and Ubuntu 10.10 (32-bits, ext4 file system). I have installed the version 7.0a of Truecrypt in both Operating ...
Wagner Maestrelli's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Mounting TrueCrypt container on share

I have a TrueCrypt container on a Windows share that I'm trying to mount from Ubuntu. However, I consistently get a "Permission Denied" error. I am using /home/kent/.gvfs/share on server/path/to/...
Kent Boogaart's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I rename a mounted Truecrypt volume?

When I mount the Truecrypt file on my USB drive it shows up as truecrypt1. The volume is FAT, using mtools to rename a volume label involves e2label /dev/sdbx, however truecrypt1 does not map to a ...
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