Questions tagged [postgresql]

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.

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2 answers

How can I connect to postgres using the IP address of the localhost?

This is a new installation of Ubuntu 20.04 on OCI. Postgres database has been installed and is running fine. The problem is I am unable to connect to the database using the IP address of the host. ...
Eric Mason's user avatar
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setting up Postgres with wsl

So I recently came across wsl and was trying to configure postgres with it but I am not able to do so, I am following these instruction -
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Migrate PostgreSQL DB from Multipass to Cloud?

I have a PostgreSQL database running on Ubuntu in a Canonical Multipass instance on MacOS. I'd like to migrate its data to a cloud DB (Digital Ocean in this case). Is it possible to publicly expose ...
Milo Persic's user avatar
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Cannot update/remove/reinstall postgresql 14

On Ubuntu 21.10, When trying to do anything with apt on package postgresql (Ubuntu 14.4-1.pgdg21.10+1), the process hangs on the Setting up postgresql-14 [...] line : $ sudo apt remove postgresql ...
Sebastien Guimmara's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Run Pgadmin 4 on ubuntu 22.04

Installed pgadmin4 using this tutorial with the difference I just downloaded their and put it as:...
Alexander K's user avatar
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Trouble with connection to PostgreSQL server on VPS Server

I'm trying to configure a database on my personal VPS server on Veesp, but it just doesn't work whatever I do. I configured both of pg_nba.conf and postgresql.conf files, so I can connect from ...
Addm1X's user avatar
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How to drop a PostgreSQL tablespace

I'm just starting setting up PosgreSQL 12 on Xubuntu 20.04, so I have created some things as experiments, and I want to delete them and start over. Hopefully without destroying everything, because ...
4dummies's user avatar
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Why does writing to a PostgreSQL database (docker) shows some activity in the Network panel of the system monitor

A quick, yet simple question that came to my mind while observing my system monitor (I was curious on the RAM and CPU usage) while writing a massive data set to a PostgreSQL database hosted on my ...
s.k's user avatar
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Trying to install a specific version of postgres, how do I know what version of libpq5 to install?

Viewing the answer in this thread - How to install libpq-dev (14.0-1) on ubuntu 21.10? - Just install the required version of libpq5 and reinstall libpq-dev: sudo apt-get install libpq5=13.4-1 sudo ...
Nona's user avatar
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How to create offline installer for postgresql14?

I need to create offline installer for postgresql14 which can run without internet connection at all. As I see we can download .deb package via: sudo apt-get install --download-only pkg_name in such ...
Andrew's user avatar
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postgresql is active with pgadmin4 but not showing anything in my php code

I'm new to ubuntu community or linux sounds better. so I don't have much knowledge of repositoies and packages. So, I've installed xampp, postgresql and pgadmin4 in my ubuntu 20.04 LTS. nothing showed ...
Naeem Navjivan's user avatar
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Error while installing PostgreSQL 14.2 onto kUbuntu 20.04

i tried to install and get in run PostgreSQL 14.2 onto kUbuntu Version 20.04. using instructions from several pages and it ends always with the same error. i tried as described here: https://www....
SL5net's user avatar
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Is there a way to install PostgreSQL using apt-get without it running initdb automatically?

I am trying to set up replication for PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 20.04 and for the stand-by node I just need to install the PostgreSQL-server and not run initdb. Cluster creation on the stand-by will be ...
UdIt Solanki's user avatar
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Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pg_connect()

I have following server cofiguration: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS PHP 7.4.13 (cli) psql (PostgreSQL) 12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) I have moved my web service based on WordPress from Windows to Linux ...
Darek's user avatar
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How does a apt repository work to find the available packages?

For example i have this apt ubuntu (21.10) repository for postgres in my sources.list.d: deb impish-pgdg main 13 Which results in apt-get update to fetch: Hit:...
FireEmerald's user avatar
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Setting Up PostgreSQL DB with bash script using variables from .env file

I'm trying to set up PostgreSQL with a bash script which takes the variables from an .env file. My code - #!/bin/bash DB_NAME=$(grep DB_NAME .env | cut -d '=' -f 2-) DB_USER=$(grep DB_USER .env | cut ...
Farhan M.'s user avatar
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Postgresql 12 shuts down randomly

I'm using ubuntu 18.04 and postgresql 12, See journalctl below: Dec 16 09:39:19 server sudo[55084]: postgres : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/postgresql/12/main ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/sysctl ...
Divanelen SA's user avatar
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postgres connect as different user

New to postgres. Till now I used mysql and whenever I needed to login I did this: mysql -u root -p which then prompted me to provide password for user root But postgres feels a lot different than ...
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Postgres apt upgrade on Ubuntu 18.04 hangs every time

On Ubuntu 18.04: any time apt lists postgres as available for upgrade, it hangs forever like this: Setting up postgresql-server-dev-12 (12.9-1.pgdg18.04+1) ... Setting up postgresql-12 (12.9-1.pgdg18....
Brett Woodward's user avatar
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Can I stop postgres running in the background?

On Kubuntu 20.04 Before I can successfully start a docker container on my computer I need to kill a Postgres process. I do this by: sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :5432' ,which outputs: State Recv-Q Send-...
Ambassador Kosh's user avatar
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How to install libpq-dev (14.0-1) on ubuntu 21.10?

I already have the postgresql of latest version(14.0-1.pgdg21.04+1). I want to setup dev environment for psycopg2( library locally and it requires libpq-dev for ...
Krishna's user avatar
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How do I install PostgreSQL version 14 on Ubuntu 21.04?

Ubuntu 20.04 only gave me the obsolete PostgreSQL 12. After upgrading to "21.04 (Hirsute Hippo)" I got version 13. How do I install the latest version (14)?
Nagev's user avatar
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Enabling password authentication for new postgres user

How do I make ubuntu prompt me for a password after creating a new postgres user. It doesn't ask for a password with the postgres user but I want to change this under an added user
Jumba Mark's user avatar
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Cannot change PostgresSQL default user password

Recently I have faced with issue that I cannot change password that is used in pgAdmin for connection to remote database ... In pg_hba.conf (PostgresSQL 12) I have the following login capabilities: # ...
Denis Kotov's user avatar
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Skipping acquire of configured file ' focal-pgdg InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'

I have recently installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and I am a bit fresh user for ubuntu. after installing postgresql 14, and I ran sudo apt update. Then it says N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/...
picalin's user avatar
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Set up Postgres

I recently istalled PostgresSQL , but when I enter psql to the terminal, if gives me the error: psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or ...
user801855's user avatar
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Unable to install postgreSQL 9.6 in Ubuntu 20.04 [duplicate]

It worked hundred times in my ci/cd pipeline, but suddenly stopped to work and idk what could I broke. According to this and/or this, I do: lsb_release -cs # just for debug focal echo "deb https:...
Putnik's user avatar
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How to drop superuser of PostgreSQL

I want to delete the user Mark but every time when I use the drop user Mark; command i get this message: or if i try to drop the role i get the same error. What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this?
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PostgresSQL dump version recognition Bash script

I often recreate variuos customer databases on local dockers to test new ERP functionalities in the development environment So, PostgreSQL dump file usually starts with: -- -- PostgreSQL database dump ...
Andrzej Więcławski's user avatar
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Could not set permission for new database on postgresql?

I'm the beginner in PostgreSQL, today I cannot create new TABLESPACE on my HDD disk. Specifically: I'm running the Ubuntu 20.04 on the SSD. Install and using Postgres 13 normally on this disk. I want ...
ShanN's user avatar
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`chown postgres` of a subdirectory not working for a new disk

To give postgres more space, I mounted a ssd at: /mnt/fast_data/ What I'd like to accomplish is to give the postgres user ownership to the postgresql directory, so it doesn't say permission denied. $ ...
v1z3's user avatar
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How to install PHP pdo_pgsql driver version 13.3 on Ubuntu 18.04

I have successfully installed some time ago a default installation of PHP 7.4 and of Postgresql v10 on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. Today I need to update my Postgresql version to 13.3 - but can't ...
caccia's user avatar
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How can I see only the database I have access to in pgAdmin 4?

I created a free postgres database on Heroku, when connecting it to my pgAdmin4 the connection is done normally, however, thousands of databases appear along with mine. All the databases that appear I ...
Saulo Felipe's user avatar
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Unmet dependencies when trying to install PostgreSQL with apt [duplicate]

I am trying to install postgresql in ubuntu 20.04, but facing unment dependicies issue. You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these. The following packages have unmet ...
Saad Arshad's user avatar
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Ubuntu shell script for starting multiple Postgres servers

I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and I'm tying to write a .sh script that starts up 2 postgres servers. I disabled pw requirement for sudo in /etc/sudoers here is my script so far and it's probably incorrect. ...
Shafin M's user avatar
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I can't install libpq-dev on Ubuntu 20.04.2 [duplicate]

Problem I can't install libpq-dev in ubuntu 20.04.2 I ran this command: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev then I got errors bellow. Reading package lists... Done Building ...
Developer's user avatar
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Why Ubuntu Server ask me to restart services?

I've installed latest Ubuntu Server on Linode. When I install some packages with apt-get, like node.js or postgres it stops and the window with question pops up. How to disable this question window? ...
Alex Craft's user avatar
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On two different servers, different services will not start, but if they are restarted, start successfully

On two different servers I have redis and postgresdb installed. Neither will start successfully on boot, but will start if they are manually started/restarted. The error for both are the same (failure ...
Bryant's user avatar
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ubuntu 20.04 sudenly using port 5432?

I was using a postgres docker just fine with ubuntu 18.04. Now I updated to ubuntu 20.04 and I suddenly can no longer start the docker, since the following error pops up - notice this error keeps ...
paul23's user avatar
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Trying to install libgcc but getting error from postgres

I was trying to execute this command on my ubuntu machine: yum install libgcc.i686 But getting this error which seems meaningless here:
user404's user avatar
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Installing PostGIS with GDAL 3.0.4

I have installed PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04 using these instructions: Now I'm trying to install PostGIS extension: sudo apt install ...
Marin Leontenko's user avatar
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SQL performance worsens on adding an INNER JOIN clause in Postgres [closed]

I have the following query SELECT pri.* FROM patientreceiptitem pri JOIN patientfinancialtransaction_patientreceiptitem pp ON = pp.receiptitems_id JOIN patientfinancialtransaction pft ON ...
Thomas Abraham's user avatar
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No module named 'psycopg2' + error during installation

I developed a python script which imports data to my Postgres DB and it works fine on my local machine but when I transferred it to the server it fails with: Traceback (most recent call last): File &...
Mr.P's user avatar
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Pgadmin4 installation fails on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

I am trying to install pgadmin4 on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver but every time I try to run the sudo apt install pgadmin4 pgadmin4-apache2 it returns the following error: Building dependency tree ...
Mike M. Kaspin's user avatar
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Installing Postgis in Ubuntu 18.04 with libgdal26-incompatibility with libgdal20?

I have been looking at this for a couple days now but I have not found a solution yet. I am trying to install Postgresql-13-postgis-3 in my ubuntu 18.04 machine. Currently I have Postgresql 13 and ...
Gonzalob's user avatar
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Restore mysql db from AWS AMI?

We have one EC2 instance running our mysql database server. due to a security incident we had to delete the current EC2 instance as database was completely messed up with some sort of encryption. So ...
Hrish's user avatar
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unattended-upgrades and postgresql version

Can the apt dist-upgrade command On Ubuntu/Debian distros update the version of PostgreSQL? I've some Ubuntu 18.04 LTS servers using PostgreSQL 9.6 and I don't want that unattended-upgrades execution ...
eradan's user avatar
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Major changes in sorting method of glibc on Ubuntu 18.04 after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04.5

I had an Ubuntu 18.04.0 with Postgres 9.6. Before Ubuntu upgrade following command result was: vodka@ubuntu140:~$ ( echo "1-1"; echo "11" ) | LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 sort 1-1 11 ...
Vsevolod Gromov's user avatar
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Connect to Postgres via WireGuard

I forwarded the Postgres port for the WireGuard client: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 5432 -j DNAT --to-destination Please tell me is this the correct ...
user13824551's user avatar
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Postgresql service stopping on its own in ubuntu server

In the postgresql log file, I found message: startup process (PID 1886772) was terminated by signal 9: Killed Although upon restarting service, postgresql database starts functioning normally. ...
sanjeev saunkhla's user avatar

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