Questions tagged [motion]

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How can I discover a wifi smartnet camera connected to the LAN by DHCP

I have a wifi smartnet camera that works with the v380 app for Android/iOS/Windows and I wanna connect it to my motion server running on Ubuntu 18.04. Although the camera is connected to the LAN and I ...
Mices's user avatar
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My notebooks integrated webcam isn't working in ubuntu 16.04

I installed a software called motion which uses the webcam though I wasn't with enough patience to learn how to use it and uninstalled it with sudo apt purge. But after I did my webcam stopped working....
Zeor137's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Can an application started with ltsp-localapps write data to a local storage device (i.e a LOCALDEV as defined in lts.conf)?

I run successfully: ltsp-localapps motion I can write the output onto the ltsp-sever's disk, but I am not able to write the output files to a local device on the ltsp-client (e. g. SD card, local ...
variona's user avatar
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Apt-get can't find motion package 14.04

I'm trying to install motion on ubuntu server 14.04 but apt-get can't find the package? From what i've read it should be able to find it. Please can someone point me in the direction of how to install ...
ChrisP79's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I access the H264 stream from my IP-camera with "Motion"?

What is Motion?: Motion is a deamon application which allows Linux users to record pictures of webcams and ipcams based on motion detection or time settings. A Tutorial how to set up the stable ...
empedokles's user avatar
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