Questions tagged [legal]

Questions about the legal use of the software and services provided by Ubuntu.

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Legally Playing DVDs post-April 2021 If I'm reading this right, it seems that the primary legal DVD player that Ubuntu recommends was discontinued last April, ...
MediaPhysics's user avatar
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GPL attribution for programs that come with Ubuntu

I'm sorry if this has already been asked or made clear in documentation, but I couldn't find an answer to this. I am using an Ubuntu server to run a program and my program has a licensing page where ...
khm's user avatar
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Is Ubuntu DOD and VA IT compliant?

USA client afraid to use Ubuntu asking "Is Ubuntu DOD and VA IT compliant?" I found that VA IT compliant but is it DOD compliant?
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Can I show Ubuntu OS in a laptop in a short movie or do I need any kind of rights?

I'm making a short movie and I've this doubt... Can I show one man using Ubuntu without asking any kind of permissions? I don't know if it's legal to use Ubuntu UI or if there is any kind of rights ...
Jon Gaz's user avatar
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What legal notices should I observe downloading and installing ubuntu?

When downloading and installing every software package, it is important to know if there is a legal notice the provider wants you to know. And it is possible that the provider is considering some laws ...
mmafshari's user avatar
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Can the base Ubuntu OS be used for free commercially?

I work in an enterprise environment--at a major university to be more specific--as desktop support. It's largely a Windows environment. I'm not looking to install Ubuntu for our end users--rather ...
adhoclobster's user avatar
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want to use ubuntu desktop os on a server providing ubuntu use just by login?

To Ubuntu Team I would like to provide Ubuntu desktop OS directly in the browser, if this is not possible I will find an alternate way of doing it. As students in India are using less Ubuntu I want ...
Miresh's user avatar
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