Questions tagged [image-editor]

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321 votes
7 answers

Simple image editor?

I want something similar to "preview" in macs. For example: I want an image editor that ONLY does simple adjustments like increase/decrease contrast, saturation, exposure, color tinting.... rotate, ...
mandy's user avatar
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58 votes
7 answers

Is there a Paint.NET alternative?

Does anyone know of a simple Image Editor, with functionality comparable to Paint.NET, for Ubuntu? I've always found GIMP to be overkill and too complicated for what I want to do.
jumpnett's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Merging two pictures

Is there a tool in Ubuntu to automatically merge two images having a common strip? I need to scan a large image, which will not fit at once in the scanner. I was thinking about scanning it in two ...
Andrea's user avatar
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366 votes
7 answers

Is there a program like Microsoft Paint?

I'm slowly getting used to Ubuntu; for I've been a Windows user as long as I've used any computer. I'm hoping someone can suggest a good graphics software. I'm simply looking for one that works close ...
James Litewski's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

PhotoShop alternative for Ubuntu [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Alternative to Photoshop or Paint.NET Hello. I am working in Ubuntu. I want to do some editing and drawing. On Windows I was using Adobe PhotoShop like software. Now I want to ...
khan's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I convert a .jpg or .png image to .raw format?

Is there any software that converts JPEG or PNG to RAW? I have been looking around and I've only found applications that do the reverse.
Victoralm's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Is there an alternative to Adobe Fireworks?

I often have to make designs for internet-use. I have had Fireworks for years and it suits my purpose. These are the details I like in it: Good tools for moderate image manipulation (cutting, ...
user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Gimp too complicated; Pinta/GnuPaint/etc. too simple [closed]

I've been looking at a few paint programs, trying to find one that I can use for simple office tasks. Gimp is nice when I need layers or cropping, but apart from that it is a total overkill. I know ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Crop tool with high resolution [closed]

I am now using Shutter in Ubuntu 13.10 for crop different selections and to select windows, but the problem is that the resolution is very low after I check it saving in all formats. Please tell me ...
cst's user avatar
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