Questions tagged [gnome-schedule]

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I need to stop a execution of a command and start the same comma every x interval of time in terminal?

I need to stop execution of a running java script in terminal and start the same execution at every x interval of time in terminal. Is it possible?
Bharathi Arjun's user avatar
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How to install gnome-schedule for 16.10 [duplicate]

I recently upgraded to 16.10 and found most things that worked in 15.10 are working in 16.10 - - with one notable exception: gnome-schedule. Many of the suite of gnome utilities are in 16.10 but not ...
user232063's user avatar
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Cannot install gnome-schedule from official Ubuntu repositories

I am supposed to be able to install gnome-schedule using: sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule Unfortunately, this returns: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading ...
Juan Antonio's user avatar
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gnome schedule - mysqldump

Does anyone know if you can mysqldump with gnome schedule? I can copy files but it is not letting me do this . mysqldump -uroot -pchicken test > /home/meatuser/Documents/testWork/testCronBackup/...
peteubuntu's user avatar
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What is needed to automatically run Cron tasks created with Gnome Schedule?

I used Gnome Schedule to create the following test task. The task runs fine manually but is not being run every hour automatically as defined. What is required for this task to run automatically?
orschiro's user avatar
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How can I use the in-built function alert in Gnome Schedule?

I want to access the alert function in Gnome Schedule. I can run alert from my default Bash command-line but receive the following error in Gnome Schedule: /tmp/tmpxi4X16: line 1: alert: command not ...
orschiro's user avatar
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