Questions tagged [geoip]

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Block access by Geo location

I'm wondering if it's possible to block access based on location, as many hackers and ransomware attacks in recent years came from Russia or Belarus etc. I dont want my vps accessed by those ...
Amin's user avatar
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unknown directive "geoip_country" in ubuntu 16.04 nginx version 1.12.1

I have installed geoip_country by using chef. Tried the same manually, but the result is the same. getting error : nginx -t nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "geoip_country" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:...
George Ulahannan's user avatar
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Bind dns server complains about GeoIP

A fresh Ubuntu 16.04 with BIND dns server . Right after starting the bind it logs about GeoIP Edit1: (3 lines added to beginning ) Sep 5 16:11:51 ns3 named[17723]: initializing GeoIP Country (IPv4) ...
Omid Kosari's user avatar
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How to disable or delete Ubuntu Desktop geoip-database?

So, I found out why geoip-database is used in Ubuntu, but it seems it is intrustive. So, can you disable it or delete it? If so, will that interferer with Ubuntu performance?
ThN's user avatar
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Command line doesn't recognize VPN and makes requests from real IP?

System Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Desktop Environment: GNOME Shell 3.16.4 VPN: Astrill v2.9.3 Problem I live in China. Without a VPN, I can't access many sites, including Google, Facebook, etc. Thus, I have ...
Eddo Hintoso's user avatar
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ubuntu-geoip-provider 100% cpu

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ubuntu-geoip-provider is using a full core on my laptop and doesn't seem like it'll ever finish up - have left it running for at least 30mins before killing it. it'll restart ...
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Content Delivery Network

I have a project that i need to setup Content Delivery Network on Ubuntu, That involves like Geo Dns structure, Fail over and High availability So i am looking if some one help me that where should i ...
Qasim's user avatar
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Why does Ubuntu Desktop require geoip-database?

I was watching my 13.04 VM update, and I noticed that it wanted to update the geoip-database package. I have verified that it is present on my 12.10 computer as well - what does Ubuntu desktop use ...
jrg's user avatar
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Gtk-redshift can't get location using geoclue [closed]

I have always used gtk-redshift to adjust the color temperature of my laptop, but since I've upgraded it to Ubuntu 12.10, redshift doesn't work anymore. When I start it I get this error: Started ...
enrico.bacis's user avatar