Questions tagged [environment-variables]

A set of dynamic variables that can affect the running processes behavior and access to resources.

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3 answers

Problem with environment variables

I tried creating a shortcut to easily change into some of my Windows partitions. After mounting them, some works fine, some not. Here's what happens. My ~/.bash_aliases contains: export geo=/media/...
Geo's user avatar
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HDF5 and GSL library problem on Ubuntu 14.04.1 64-bit

I ran into errors in the installation of the FDTD software MEEP on Ubuntu.Although I have hdf5-tools and libhdf5 installed on my system(Ubuntu 14.04.1 64-bit), the make step of the installation of ...
Vesnog's user avatar
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1 answer

Environmental variables resets after reboot [duplicate]

I am working on PhoneGap and I need to set some Environmental variables. I used to set it by export and it sets. But when I reboot or relog then it wipes out the variables I previously exported. I don'...
shashi2459's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

"sudo su" does not pass the environment variables to the new shell? [duplicate]

su manual The current environment is passed to the new shell. Obviously you cant use su in Ubuntu as in su but it has to be always sudo ...
Hinklo's user avatar
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3 answers

$PATH not saved as I login again [duplicate]

When I make a change in my ~/.bash_profile file and I add such a variable as: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" And after save and close, I need to reflect these changes in my $PATH ...
Jack Sierkstra's user avatar
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Use other environment variables in PATH definition [duplicate]

I've been wondering if there is a way to set the PATH system variable using other system variables. For example my /etc/environment currently looks like PATH="........other stuff........ :$SCALA_HOME/...
Ryan Stull's user avatar
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2 answers

Set custom added PATH vars to work in each Terminal session [duplicate]

I ran these 2 commands simply in the terminal: export PATH="$PATH:/home/milkncookiez/Developer/android-studio/bin" export PATH="$PATH:/home/milkncookiez/Developer/PhpStorm/bin" in the 2 bin folders ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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Unable to connect to X11 display. is $DISPLAY set? - Yes, it is

I'm trying to run this in my /etc/init.d/rc.local. I had to manually add the exit 0 because it wasn't there by default if that makes any difference. cd /home/john/xcape && ./xcape -e '...
John Curry's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to set DISPLAY variable for a process?

I try to run pgadmin3 as user postgres and I get following error: No protocol specified Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly? Command pgadmin3 runs well under pavel (my main user ...
Pavel V.'s user avatar
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Can't log in after trying to set environment variables

So I added a file called to /etc/profile.d/ that had the following lines: export GRADLE_HOME=/home/gradle/ export PATH=$PATH:$GRADLE_HOME/bin I restarted my machine, so that it would pick ...
Scuba Steve's user avatar
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Add custom script to PATH

I know there are quite some answers about that, but still could not make my way around it. I read all this and tried to follow the example under System-wide environment variables (for my case of ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Is $HOME/.local/share the default value for $XDG_DATA_HOME?

What's the default value for $XDG_DATA_HOME variable? I get an empty line with: echo $XDG_DATA_HOME According to the Free Desktop XDG Base Directory Environment variables specification, it might be ...
g0lem's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04: setting environment variables [duplicate]

I need set environment variables for Android Studio project EVERY TIME when reboot or close terminal. (Ubuntu 14.04) For setting variables I use: export KEYSTORE_NAME=/home/anna/Documents/keys/NAME....
Anna's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Changing ownership of folder not working!

I am trying to change the ownership of a folder and subfolders by typing either of these: sudo chown $user -R /usr/bin/.folder/ sudo chown $user -R /usr/bin/folder/ sudo chown $user -R /usr/bin/....
A H's user avatar
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Server cannot run apt-get anymore

I was trying to setup an older version of gcc (4.1) on ubuntu 14. I was having some difficulties to set alternatives. I so thread where someone said to use this command: export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH" ...
meda's user avatar
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How to set environment without sourcing .bash_profile myself every time? [duplicate]

When I restart Ubuntu 14.04, environment variables are set back to default and I have to run source .bash_profile every time which is very annoying. I generally keep my environment vars in ....
quartaela's user avatar
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Exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH that contains spaces and special characters

Trying to deploy a Qt application on Ubuntu Directions from Qt site show how to allow the library dependencies to be loaded, by changing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable: #!/bin/sh appname=`basename $0 ...
Thalia's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 and playing songs from cron

I recently upgraded my computer to Ubuntu 14.04. After the upgrade the system no longer plays the few songs I had it play via crontab. The crontab lines look like so: 0 9 * * 1-5 /usr/...
azzid's user avatar
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5 answers

How to fix "not a valid identifier" error after setting environment variables?

I'm trying to setup cocos2dx in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS but after setting the environmental variables (in .bashrc) I start getting this error: bash: export: dev/cocos2d-x-3.2/tools/cocos2d-console/bin': not ...
Carlos Campos's user avatar
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save number of lines of a text file in a variable shell file

I'm working on terminal and running a .sh file and I want to count the lines in another file and save it as a variable to be used in this .sh file. I'm using this command sed -n '$=' /lines.txt when I ...
Tak's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating a Path Variable

I need to set a path for a variable $week4 to be Week4/assignment so that typing cd $week4 will change the working directory to Week4/assignment/ I've seen a few examples of similar stuff on here, ...
Justin's user avatar
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shell file opens terminal and run a sequence of commands in specific order

What I used to do is: Manually open a terminal instance to run the following commands and shell files Run PACKAGE_PATH=/home/userA/package1:/home/userA/package2:$PACKAGE_PAT‌​H run: cd /home/...
Tak's user avatar
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How to quickly check the value of bash variables, aliases and history commands from terminal?

How do you expand in place: bash aliases environment variables history commands to edit them and check they are correct? For example, I have some aliases I use for flashing different devices and I ...
Sylvain Pineau's user avatar
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When I open a terminal and type set I get a strange output

I opened a terminal on the desktop in Xubuntu and typed set and then a new line. I aws expecting to see a display of my environmental variables, but all I got was a display of a lot of code. What on ...
user1741137's user avatar
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JDK 8 Installation for Ubuntu 14.04 (Android Studio & NetBeans)

I downloaded and installed it in my home folder. Then I install NetBeans, it is successful I think because I can compile my java code using netbeans. Now when I install ...
Port 8080's user avatar
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Environment Variable or saving dev_key file

I am slightly new to ubuntu, I have a NASA-ADS dev_key to access some data on there system but am unable to: save it as an environment variable named ADS_DEV_KEY or save it to a file called ~/.ads/...
Sibte Raza's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Changing environment variables

I just changed my /etc/environment file to: M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.1.1 M2=$M2_HOME/bin PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/...
teaLeef's user avatar
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1 answer

Why won't Vim source my .vimrc at startup?

Note: edited to provide more info. I have modified my ~/.vimrc significantly (although some of my initial modifications I made in the system-wide /etc/vim/vimrc). It probably doesn't matter either ...
Sammy Black's user avatar
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What exactly should I set as JAVA_HOME?

I am trying to make Tomcat 7 working with Eclipse, and I am not sure if my JAVA_HOME is correct. ~$ echo $JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/default-java And there is no such catalog! I only have: ~$ ls /...
Tookuk's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

What is the $BASH_COMMAND variable good for?

According to the Bash manual, the environment variable BASH_COMMAND contains The command currently being executed or about to be executed, unless the shell is executing a command as the result of a ...
Malte Skoruppa's user avatar
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1 answer

`TERM` environment variable not exported from `.profile`?

I have this in my .profile (I'm running Ubuntu 12.04): export TERM="xterm-256color" The variable seems not exported or be invariably later overwritten as TERM="xterm". A test with Gnome Terminal: $...
Hibou57's user avatar
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How to start/configure pulseaudio remotely with ssh?

I have a remote machine to which I can ssh. On the remote machine there is a program that uses pulse audio to get input from a USB microphone attached to the remote machine. This setup works fine when ...
jwinebar's user avatar
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155 views is not exporting the variable using terminal

I want to export many paths using a .sh script. after running it nothing is exported I don't know why. so if anyone can advise. This is the script used: #!/bin/bash txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Text reset ...
Tak's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I set environment variables through a keyboard shortcut?

I have a script that increments an environment variable, but it only works if I run it by perpending it with "source" or with a ".". Unfortunately, this means that if I attempt to bind it to a key, I ...
user2840488's user avatar
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why everything is reverted back in PATH env variable after reopening shell?

As far as I know PATH is not a temporary variable. And when you reopen your terminal it should work as before. In my case it's not. What I do is to add another path to $PATH: export PATH=$PATH:/...
Alireza's user avatar
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How do I set $PATH to factory setting in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS [duplicate]

I executed this command from terminal: export PATH=/home/ravinder/Java_Folder/Important_Programs/Servers/apache-maven-3.2.2/bin So this is the only directory in my $PATH, I want to restore my path ...
ravin's user avatar
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Why I obtain this error when I try to perform this simple bash script?

I am following this tutorial to correctly execute Aptana Studio on my Ubuntu 14.04: Command menu in aptana studio 3 is not working in ubuntu 14.04 So I have installed the Oracle JRE and finnally I ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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How to bring ".bashrc" in effect without logging out or Restarting the current session?

I am basically using .bashrc for adding environment variables. Each time I add a new Environment variable, I have to log out the current session and log in again to bring the changes in effect. Is ...
node_analyser's user avatar
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What is the default values of KMP_AFFINITY variable?

I was playing with the KMP_AFFINITY variable in my program and forgot to back-up the previous value. Now the performance of my C++ program has fallen to 50%. Can anybody tell me what is the default ...
Khushal Dave's user avatar
81 votes
4 answers

Permanent PATH variable

How will I make this /media/De Soft/mongodb/bin PATH variable permanent? Everyone is saying "export PATH=$PATH:media/De\ Soft/mongodb/bin to your ~/.profile, or .bashrc, or .zshenv depending on your ...
Towhid's user avatar
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How can I make it so I can run a specific program, just by typing its name in the console?

I have just recently installed Light Table downloading it from the git repository, and followed the instructions on this website to create a desktop launcher. Now I want to run the program by ...
dapias's user avatar
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1 answer

problem to update bash profile

Each time i work with a tool named criu, i set the path variable: PATH=$PATH:/home/th/criu-1.3-rc2; export PATH to be able to run criu dump but when I close the terminal and open it, it does not ...
researcher's user avatar
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Environment Variable - how does properly set them (bashrc or profile) [duplicate]

I am very new in Ubuntu and I am lost about Environment Variable. I have read some Forums but I didn't understand yet. If I type java -version I got the java confirmation but if I type echo $...
DemeCarv's user avatar
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How to execute a command with "=" sign in a desktop shortcut?

I'm trying to modify my Firefox shortcut in Unity so that it started with a specific parameter. From a terminal, I would start like this: VDPAU_DRIVER=va_gl firefox I tried modifying the firefox....
pmichna's user avatar
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3 answers

Can the PATH variable be corrupted?

I installed rbenv, a ruby version management program. I looked in the .bashrc file and noticed that the path variable was changed as below: export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" I think the ":$PATH" ...
user3457382's user avatar
17 votes
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Difference between $LOGNAME and logname

When the echo $LOGNAME and logname commands run normally, I get identical results from them: pandya@pandya-desktop:~$ echo $LOGNAME pandya pandya@pandya-desktop:~$ logname pandya Is there any ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Can you help me to understand this explanation of shell quoting?

I'm trying to comprehend and reproduce this I read this section in the book Learning The Bash Shell; My question about it is below it: "Notice that we used double quotes around variables (and ...
malohhree's user avatar
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Why can't a process see environment variables set in /etc/environment?

I defined several environment variables in /etc/environment, but a process (build started by TeamCity) cannot see their values. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.. this is the content of my /etc/...
Edy Bourne's user avatar
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How to configure path or set environment variables for installation?

I'm aiming to install APE in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, a simple code for pseudopotential generation. I'm having this error message while running ./configure: checking for gsl-config... no checking for GSL - ...
Orr22's user avatar
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4 answers

When I use ZSH, how do I set PATH in /etc/profile.d?

I'm using zsh as my shell, and I'm trying to configure my environment. I usually define my $JAVA_HOME variable by creating a file: /etc/profile.d/ with the following content export ...
Rodrigo Sasaki's user avatar

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