Questions tagged [doxygen]

Doxygen is actually the standard tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources, but it also supports other popular programming languages.

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2 answers

How to install Doxygen on Ubuntu?

I downloaded doxygen-1.8.20.linux.bin.tar.gz here: How to install it on Ubuntu 20.04?
MianQi's user avatar
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I have ubuntu xenial 16.04 how to get new versions of packages?

For example the cmake in my repository appears as 3.5 but my professor's appears as 3.16 which I need to run doxygen. How can I get this new version in my old ubuntu?
Zeor137's user avatar
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Failed to install Doxygen [duplicate]

I am installing doxygen using sudo apt-get install doxygen but getting following unmet dependencies. I tried with google but not getting proper solution for same. I am getting this while run ...
Nik's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04: Doxygen fails claiming it cannot open libclang

I am currently trying to install doxygen on my computer, but upon running doxygen through the command line it fails with this error: doxygen: error while loading shared libraries: ...
Ian MathWiz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a plugin for the terminal which allow to detect and open files?

I'm looking for a terminal plugin/extension that would allow me to detect files path in terminal output and open them in a text editor by clicking on them. The perfect solution would open the file at ...
Victor Lamoine's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I use doxygen to generate the internal documentation for Unity?

The Hacking file for Unity says: Internal Documentation can be built for Unity by having doxygen installed and running make doxygen. I'm not familiar with doxygen and could use some help in the ...
chaskes's user avatar
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