Questions tagged [character-set]

Refers to text input character sets such as Unicode or ASCII.

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15 votes
3 answers

Opening a non-utf8 encoded text file

I sometimes need to open text files that are encoded in EUC-KR. man gedit gives: --encoding Set the character encoding to be used for opening the files listed on the ...
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10 votes
2 answers

filename encoding issue

I am getting a file with a faroese name and trying to save it in a PHP script: 2010_08_Útflutningur.xls In Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is saving it as: 2010_08_�tflutningur.xls (invalid encoding) I've ...
Elzo Valugi's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Unable to mount cifs with iocharset=utf8

When I try to mount a cifs share with option iocharset=utf8 I receive the error: mount error 79 = Can not access a needed shared library. What shared library am I missing?
Uggla's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to tell what encoding is used for the name and content of a file?

Is there a way to tell what encoding is used for the name and content of a file? Both GUI and terminal solutions (preferred) are fine. Thanks and regards!
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

w3m charset source_dump not working correctly

I am trying to use the following command but can't get the right output: $ w3m -dump_source r���G��2�Ph��ү�f�� ����?�l���%Y:���c(�����������Y\��s8Ư| ��;����1ʹ��D��^�lK���٥r��\���Սk�V��Ϸv�...
Andrey Fugas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how to display chinese character in txt file on ubuntu 16.04

I tried some methods to fix this issue,but no lucky.I can't find the auto-detected item to configure it.So what I should do next,I need help,and thanks a lot!
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