Questions tagged [c#]

C# is a multi-paradigm programming language

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12 votes
4 answers

How can I compile, run and decompile C# code in Ubuntu terminal?

I have a C# code which I need to compile, execute and decompile using the terminal. How can I do so?
Sonevol's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu terminal not waiting for Console.ReadKey() input

I'm using MonoDevelop to write C# (.NET) codes, on Ubuntu Desktop 14.0.5 LTS. While testing a simple Hello World code, I encountered a problem - earlier on windows, I used the Console.ReadKey() ...
progyammer's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

C# on Ubuntu 12.04

Is C# a good choice for Ubuntu programming? For example, Unity, or applications that will run on Ubuntu? Am I doing good wanting to learn C# when I'm determined to stick with Ubuntu and develop on it ...
Not Amused's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

VB.NET programming in Ubuntu

I have just started at sixth form college, and I'm going to take a Computing A-level. I have been informed all the programming in the first year is in VB.NET on Windows (I believe you are allowed more ...
8128's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Any IDE's in Ubuntu for Windows Development with C Sharp?

I'm wondering if you folks could steer me toward some Window's Dev IDE tools for ASP.Net and or C Sharp? Is there a good site for finding IDE's for Ubuntu? I've not totally installed yet, just looked ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

What Programming Language Would Be Best For Ubuntu Programming? [closed]

Hi I've recently switched from Windows 7 to Ubuntu 12.10 and love the OS. However I have had trouble deciding which programming Language would be the all-around best for Ubuntu programming. I have no ...
Brooks's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there any native C#/C++ IDE similar to Visual Studio but more lightweight in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

I was using Visual Studio for two years in Windows, but now I am using Ubuntu. Are there any other C#/C++ IDEs to use that are as high quality as Visual Studio? Please don't tell me the name of ...
nextmarkzuckerberg's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

IDEs for running C# programs in Ubuntu [closed]

Which is the better option for running C# programs in Ubuntu? using Mono and compiling in the terminal Microsoft Visual Studio Code Microsoft .NET SDK.
Kai Iyer's user avatar
57 votes
5 answers

Is knowledge of C# of any use in a Linux system?

I know C# and I like to switch between systems and use Linux. Can I use C# to build applications that will natively work on Linux? What should I do to make use of my knowledge of C# in a Linux system? ...
Jacob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to add references with C#

I want to compile and execute a C# program that needs external dll. In Visual Studio we just add...reference. What is the corresponding way to do that with Ubuntu 16.04? I use the SDK from Microsoft.
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar