Questions tagged [bashrc]

.bashrc is the Bash shell configuration file for a user's terminal login session.

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Not able to install any software on Ubuntu

I tried to install MatLAB in the directory /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin and add this path to .bashrc. After this, I was able to launch Matlab by just typing Matlab in bash. But now, when I try to ...
Kashif Ghafoor's user avatar
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I just installed Quixel and Nuke, how can I create an alias for them in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

I just installed Quixel Bridge and Nuke. They are not found in the application list so I have no way to drag them to desktop favorite. Nor did they like Google Chrome that could be started in terminal ...
Wendy's user avatar
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Handy command for editing previously executed mistyped command and overwriting history entry with the fixed one

until recently I was pretty sure that fc command opens previously executed command in the default editor, executes submitted changes and overwrites last entry from the bash history. However, seems ...
zeko868's user avatar
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proxy is only working with GUI but not when I set through terminal with ~/.bashrc

I have read a lot of guides about setting a proxy for ubuntu. I can do it with the GUI in the network settings and it automatically starts using the proxy I specified and when I open firefox or chrome ...
Camilo's user avatar
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Edit permanently .bashrc

I am a beginner Ubuntu user. I am booting Ubuntu from an USB flash drive and I need to edit the .bashrc file but every time I shut down or restart the computer the edits I made disappear. Is it ...
Luca Parisotto's user avatar
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Hava alias shortcut available in new terminal session

The output of command $ alias will not display for me in Ubuntu 18.04. as I research here This is only available for my current terminal session, and if I open a new terminal session, the Alias ...
aliza izton's user avatar
6 votes
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Ubuntu Desktop: Why the .profile script is executed in an interactive non-login shell?

I understand about the difference between Interactive login and Interactive non-login According with this excellent post: Zsh/Bash startup files loading order (.bashrc, .zshrc etc.) we have the ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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'exit' command not working anymore

I was trying to install certain software and edited bashrc file, due to various errors I replaced it with default basrc file, but now 'exit' command is not exiting the terminal, its simply displaying '...
Ubuntu_noob's user avatar
6 votes
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adb command not found after installed it

I have install adb from terminal. But when I type "adb version" it's not found. Can anyone help me about this problem?
Syah Hakam's user avatar
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Update info - how to currently set Java_home?

I'am trying to get Maven running. I have installed JDK and Maven. Thus I have been trying to set the Java_home variable for three days now, I cannot get it working. I have followed the instructions of ...
Muske Yannick's user avatar
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How can I reload bashrc in a script and not failing?

I have written a script that downloads and installs anaconda3, and some other dependencies, and then it installs a couple of python modules using pip3. The issue is that my source ~/.bashrc doesn't ...
Hossein's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 setting path variable to solve laravel: command not found

I was following this solution and noticed that it's temporarily working for me. I tried doing export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin" >> ~/.bashrc and export PATH="$...
Pachuca's user avatar
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Why setxkbmap in .bashrc is intermittently working? Why it takes awhile to load after PC has already started?

I am using this on my .bashrc file: ## SWAP CONTROL KEY setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps I did this, basically, because I am using Emacs a lot. It seems to work most of the time. Unfortunately, 2 ...
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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Set parameters for Ubuntu's alias

I have an example command as follows: g++ main.cpp -o main -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_imgcodecs -I/usr/local/include/opencv4 Running the entire above command will create ...
Claire Duong's user avatar
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Workflow for managing bash rc's in cloud environments

I previously haven't edited bashrc on my cloud servers. The servers change too often the effort seems not worth it. I also don't want to upload my local bashrc to each cloud server because there is a ...
Neil's user avatar
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Duplicate system PATH variable (snap/bin:/snap/bin)

When I run echo $PATH the duplicate output snap/bin:/snap/bin appears at the end and seems unusual. /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/...
XJMZX's user avatar
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Bash: Define a function in bashrc that can be used by any scripts globally

I like to define a function in ~/.bashrc and use it in different scripts either via export -f or source .bashrc. The function: nano ~/.bashrc function test_func() { yt-dlp -f '299+140' --merge-...
Jags's user avatar
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What is the difference between using "echo" command and editing using "vi" when making changes to .bashrc file?

I finished installing a program and some websites tell me to use the echo command to export an environment variable to the .bashrc file while others say to use vi .bashrc to edit the file directly. I ...
Alex's user avatar
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error in bashrc. 'syntax error: unexpected end of file'

When I try to run bash, it gives a syntax error: bash: /home/leo.bashrc: line 136: syntax error: unexpected end of line where the line number is the length of the document. The contents of bashrc are:...
Ethan Kao's user avatar
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After update to 21.04 my alias in bashrc no longer works

I have appended this alias in my .bashrc file: alias libreoffice="flatpak run org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/x86_64/stable" Prior to the update (from Kubuntu 20.10 to Kubuntu 21.04) this alias ...
Bruni's user avatar
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where is LD_LIBRARY_PATH first set in ubuntu 20.04?

In my current account in ubuntu 20.04, when I print the value of $LD_LIBRARY_PATH at the start of .bashrc, I find it's been already set to '/usr/local/lib:'. It's not a big problem but the problem is ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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GNOME Terminal bash line wrapping issue

Recently I noticed a strange issue when resizing the gnome-terminal window horizontally. There's a bug when wrapping the bash lines: the lines are replicated. I really don't know whether it's normal. ...
Fernando Ventilari's user avatar
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If I execute a program via terminal it opens, but if I open it via .desktop file it doesn't

I've installed Matlab inside /home/user/Desktop/matlabFolder/bin/ . I can run Matlab running /home/user/Desktop/matlabFolder/bin/matlab inside a terminal, and it works. I created a .desktop file here: ...
Allexj's user avatar
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inconsistent bash behaviour

I have a windows 10 operating system on which I have installed WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 in it. It is working fine, but I have some weird behaviour of bash i can't seem to be able to resolve. If i open bash ...
Kamikazooie's user avatar
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Why do I need to source ~/.bashrc manually everytime when I connecting via SSH?

I'm using ubuntu 18.04 ,and use ssh to connect to my lab's server. But since a week ago, every time I open a terminal through ssh, I can't use conda activate *, it says don't have the command "...
Kyrie Erving's user avatar
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/bin/sh: 1: :/usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin/bin/nvcc: not found

when i used nvidia-smi i got the version of cuda is 11.0 but I checked the path /usr/local and found /cuda11.1 i got an error when I installed mmcv package /bin/sh: 1: :/usr/local/cuda-11.0/bin/bin/...
user3188912's user avatar
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How to make an environment variable available for a python program using os.environ module?

I'm just new in this site and new to all the GNU/Linux environment, I'm trying to access to an environment variable from a python program that I wrote in PyCharm, I created it but I the the variable ...
ALDO FLORES AGUAYO's user avatar
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How to automatically open the linux terminal window in a certain position on ubuntu

Firstly, I know there are a few similar questions to mine at the moment; I've already checked them but did not really find a solution. I saw this line very often: gnome-terminal --geometry 30x30+100+0,...
Liana's user avatar
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Fish-shell not recognizing .bashrc exports

I had to install a couple of programs for my university on Ubuntu, those required extra lines in .bashrc these are the following lines if [ -d /opt/pic32mx/bin ] ; then export PATH=$PATH:/opt/pic32mx/...
André Clérigo's user avatar
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bashrc add command but do not execute [duplicate]

I have a folder in ~ called work that contains all my work. Usually when I start an instance of Terminal I type cd work. I would like to avoid this because it's very repetitive. I tried putting cd ...
a3y3's user avatar
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How to switch back and forth between Conda and Pyenv without restarting terminal?

I'm using both conda and pyenv and would like to switch between both while staying in the same terminal. The entries to initialize both in my .bashrc look as follows: # >>> conda initialize &...
mcExchange's user avatar
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set command output is 573 MB

I was making changes to ~/.bashrc and resourcing it dozens of times with . ~/.bashrc this morning. The last time I noticed it was taking about 30 seconds to source the file. So I did a quick test: $ ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
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HistTimeFormat error showing message when opening terminal [duplicate]

In order to record date and time for each command in history I set HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T" And in order for this setting to remain after I log out or close the terminal I added to the ....
Cristi's user avatar
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Cannot run commands in bash terminal - argument list too long

Whenever I try to run "vim .bashrc" I get the error: "argument list too long" Most of the threads about this seem to be focused on commands like rm or mv... but I can't even open a ...
Bernadette's user avatar
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How to move between folders in ~/.bashrc

I am creating some aliases to save keystrokes. I am writing inside ~/.bashrc the following: alias work='cd /work/e674/e674/ouatu/' alias pythonvenv='cd /work/e674/e674/ouatu/...
velenos14's user avatar
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My .profile and .bashrc files are not read

When I run `clang'I get the error message command clang not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install clang Both .profile and .bashrc are not read. Below is my .profile file # ~/.profile: ...
Amani's user avatar
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command aliasing in ~/.bashrc doesn't work after sourcing or rebooting [duplicate]

I want to add an alias to my ~/.bashrc such that when I use killp it kills the python process(es) that use GPU. I am not sure why neither of these commands work. I have sourced my bashrc using source ~...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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How to reset .bashrc to default? [closed]

I was editing my .bashrc file for the /root user and I think I deleted important lines or smth. It became root@pop-os:~# with a grey color like the regular font in the terminal. How to reset the ....
Mazen Saad's user avatar
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How to add special characters in ~/.bashrc file?

I am trying to make a bash alias to grep for Git conflicts within files after a merge occurs. Usually on the command line with bash shell, I run grep -nr '<<<<<<<', where the ...
4amigos's user avatar
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Should I use aliases or modify $PATH?

A made a bash file called foo, containing a few instruction and I often use it. I want to call it using $ foo I could either add export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/foo to ~/.bashrc Or add alias foo='path/to/...
sayanel's user avatar
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How is "No such file or directory" getting added to my PATH variable?

Today I noticed that my path has an entry No such file or directory at the end, which causing other problems. My path looks like this: /home/geneorama/gems/bin:/home/geneorama/anaconda3/bin:/home/...
geneorama's user avatar
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Best practice for using .bashrc aliases under sudo [duplicate]

I have some productivity aliases on ~/.bashrc, which I'm missing when I run something on sudo. In example, I have an alias with parameters for ncdu, which doesn't work when I wanna use it on folders ...
Hikari's user avatar
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why isn't bashrc file visible using find | grep "file" in wsl?

Thanks for coming to my post :) I was wondering, just out of curiosity, why isn't the .bashrc file visible in wsl using the find | grep file command and visible using ls -al ~/ | more command ? I'm ...
user13201063's user avatar
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Putty does not start .bashrc

When I connect to my Ubuntu system remotely, .bashrc is not getting loaded. I know this because lines at the end of .bashrc simply do not run, though they do if I manually dotsource after logging in ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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cannot access the ~/.bashrc again

After I installed the conda, I still cannot call the conda. And I follow the below steps to add the path. sudo gedit ~/.bashrc export PATH= "/home/howard/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" sudo gedit /etc/...
user avatar
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bash.bashrc not working for all users

So I have 2 users on my PC when I add the line alias abc='echo Hello' in /etc/bash.bashrc file and log back in it only works for the first user. (the one that I changed the file) I even rebooted my PC ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do I execute a sudo command without password and without specifying path?

I have a directory with scripts: /etc/scripts. Now I want to execute the scripts like: sudo scriptname without having to provide a password or having to specify the path to the script. I added /etc/...
steven's user avatar
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LinuxLite Terminal Intro [closed]

How do i get rid of Welcome to Linux Lite 5.2 user Friday 13 November 2020, 00:00:00 Memory Usage: 1698/7913MB (21.46%) Disk Usage: 22/456GB (5%) Support - (Right ...
Emrys's user avatar
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gedit: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

I am trying to make use of the alias command to separate the ROS1 and ROS2. I have dual-booted Ubuntu on my MacAir machine and am using the docker container, which I have installed both the ROS1 and ...
Ji Hwan Park's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple source lines in .bashrc seem to override each other

I have two packages named pkg1 and pkg2. The pkg1 is part of a workspace labeled abc in /home/csbales while pkg2 is a part of a workspace labeled catkin_ws in /home/csbales. To source them and ROS, ...
CSBales's user avatar
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