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Questions tagged [awk]

awk is a special-purpose, interpreted programming language for extracting and reporting data.

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3 answers

Remove spaces from the 3rd line onwards in a file on linux

I need to remove all spaces from the 3rd line onwards. The spaces in the first two lines should not be removed. Any option to exclude the first two lines in sed or awk? Input file: This is the first ...
Krish Yt's user avatar
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2 answers

How to apply AWK to a directory path?

I have this command: Folder=./GAS/NNN_/Neutral awk -F / '{print $(NF-1)}' $Folder But I got: awk: read error (Is a directory) I have tried: awk -F / '{print $(NF-1)}' $(Folder) awk -F / '{print $(NF-...
Another.Chemist's user avatar
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1 answer

AWK issue on Bash script

I need to shortlist the logs between the particular timestamps. I can achieve it by using the below command. awk '$a>="Feb 5 10:44:*" && $a<="Feb 5 10:54*"' /var/...
Arunkumar NKL's user avatar
-1 votes
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What does this command mean: `echo $line | awk -F "\t" '{print $1;}'`?

I'm new to this, and I was wondering specifically what awk -F "\t" means.
spjvn's user avatar
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how can I get unique ip addresses from /var/log/auth.log?

How do I only show the unique IP addresses in /var/log/auth.log ? I have a server getting hit constantly, and while I have set up fail2ban, the requests keep coming. So I started writing to ISPs to ...
j0h's user avatar
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1 answer

find a number after a special character and multiply it by awk

I have a file: "UDP", "x", 12880, "any", "any", x,,, {85000, drop, -1, fast+dsample:1000}, {1m, alert, -1, none} How can I change 85000 ...
masoud hanifehzadeh's user avatar
1 vote
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Check a host file for modification and if missing add it

I'm using docker in which the container has its own /etc/hosts file. It gets cleared out when rebooting. I'd like to create a script to check for an entry and if missing add it. So if /etc/hosts has ...
Mark Vetter's user avatar
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2 answers

Append to a variable in awk

When using bash I can append to a variable with +=. I want to do something similar in awk. What can I use ? rl="?(+)*([$dgt])?([.,])+([$dgt])" rl+="?([eE]?([-+])+([$dgt]))"
Fatipati's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Conditionals in awk

In bash I can do the shortcut condition for an if statement (( globrl == 1 )) && var=val Is there something equivalent in awk, without having to use a direct if condition ?
Fatipati's user avatar
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0 answers

Skip line at match

I am printing a multiline string mstr with colour codes defined in array tseq[knam], with knam being a colour identifier (e.g. Blu:, Grn:, etc). For instance, with the multiline string mstr, mstr= &...
Fatipati's user avatar
-2 votes
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gsub not accepting fourth argument in gawk

Have been using gsub when using gawk, but is not accepting the 4th argument. How can I fix this so that I get a string without blanks ? for ( knam in tseq ) { ## Remove any blanks from array ...
Fatipati's user avatar
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1 answer

Appending a pattern to a preexisting regex

I have this regex that allows a space followed by visible characters [[:space:]][[:graph:]]+$ How can I construct the possibilities of having either some pattern ptrn or the same pattern ptrn ...
Fatipati's user avatar
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3 answers

unable to store output of awk command

I am trying to print git clone progress in a minimalistic way for my project. Aim Instead of printing a whole git clone output on screen remote: Enumerating objects: 1845678, done. remote: ...
Eswar Reddy's user avatar
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3 answers

awk or sed command to replace line break plus text containing spaces

An answer to another question suggests sed -i 's/original/replacement/g' file.txt to replace specific words in a text file. My starting situation looks like this: Item: PRF Type: File ...
Ray Woodcock's user avatar
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Using awk to parse for conditions over multiple lines? (ifconfig output)

I'm trying to parse ifconfig output with awk. Right now my script is: # Setup ifconfig > ip.txt ans=$(cat ip.txt | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}') #output echo "Here are your IPs:&...
bee tea's user avatar
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3 answers

How to select several words, and remove all lines that contain those words?

See screenshot. I want to get rid of the clutter, and leave only things like ID, and TEXT, but remove the other things, such as type, date, date_unixtime, edited, from, etc. I tried the following ...
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2 answers

I can't change the value between two quotation marks with sed

How can I replace the word at the very end of the first line using sed? test00 ; test01 ; 'test02 -test03="j32h"' test04 The result should look like below; test00 ; test01 ; 'test02 -test03=...
w3tx75's user avatar
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How do I underline formatted output in awk?

I am new to awk and having a hard time figuring out how to format output with underlines. It doesn't appear to be possible to use formatting escape sequences in awk e.g. \e[4m? Is there a way to ...
carol marjara's user avatar
2 votes
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Awk (mawk) floors decimal numbers to zero

It seems to me like a bug in awk (mawk on Ubuntu 20.04. I can display required number of decimals with printf (%.*n*f), but the decimals are always rounded to zero, as if there was ...
Pali Varga's user avatar
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echo | awk '{printf "%5s\n", "howardstone"}' What "%5s" specifically does in code?

echo | awk '{printf "%5s\n", "howardstone"}' What does "%5s" specifically do in this code?
Rasul's user avatar
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awk works in different ways on desktop and server

Just a simple question. Why this bash command works properly on Ubuntu Server and finds out the ISBN code and doesn't work on my Ubuntu Desktop? Both systems are 22.04 LTS. echo "ISBN 5-02-013850-...
dyedfox's user avatar
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1 answer

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near ,

I try to use the awk command on my file in dpkg and I get that error: awk '{print $1,$6}' cmd.txt > cmd2.txt File content: Port Protocol Type Board Name FQBN ...
user3262532's user avatar
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dpkg: error processing package php8.1-common

I know that my error is a very classic one, and I encountered it without doing it on purpose and i need to resolve the problem because i'm working with php. ❯ php zsh: command not found: php and: ❯ ...
E Epsylon's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating an html from the output of awk script

I am performing in an awk script a series of aggregations from a dataset and I get the following. Now I would like to create an html that collects this previous output in the form of a table and that ...
oshiono's user avatar
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error trying to redirect output of awk script to a new file

I am working on the following code in an awk script and I need the output to be redirected to another file within the same script. What I try to do in the first block is to round the decimals of the ...
oshiono's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete all lines from a line with certain string until another line with a diffrent string in a file

file.txt: start some text works "HELLO" foo test sum other end start som "other" line with text 'also' thing foo end and I want to delete the line in which "HELLO&...
NodeX4's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I capitalise a word proceeding a specific word

Lets say I want to capitalise the first word following the word jumped. Example below Original text: the cow jumped over the moon Amended text the cow jumped OVER the moon I have tried awk and sed ...
yolo_techy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to get the average ping time?

Here's a real result of my ping command: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=964 ttl=64 time=1018 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=965 ttl=64 time=921 ms 64 bytes from ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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awk warning on escape sequence

I am firing an awk command with the character class ere. cere='^[[:space:]]*([#;!]+|@c|\/\/)[[:space:]]*' This gives the awk warning. awk: warning: escape sequence `\/' treated as plain `/' Is this ...
Fatipati's user avatar
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6 answers

delete 50 random rows in a txt files that have their second column labeled as 0

I want to use the terminal commands for deleting 50 random rows from a txt file that is tab separated and has these sample rows where the second column is 0. The value in the second column is either 0 ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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2 answers

How to print specific words from a file

I have a file which is like this user:[dgalanos] rid:[0xa35] user:[roleary] rid:[0xa36] user:[smorgan] rid:[0xa37] How can i print only the usernames like this dgalanos roleary smorgan I tried cat ...
tcprks's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract keys from yaml file using awk

Let's say I have a yaml file like this one: foo: bar: 1 env: firstVar: true secondVar: 20 aa_thirdVar: 'hello' aa_fourthVar: false and I need to get the keys under the env key except for ...
Sergey's user avatar
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Replace a text within single quotes with another string using sed(just a first occurrence of regex)

I have a file with the following content: $ cat file.txt CREATE COLLATION public.collation123 (provider = libc, locale = 'fr-FR'); CREATE COLLATION public.collation_1 (provider = libc, locale = 'bas'...
armchair's user avatar
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Using sed or awk to remove near-duplicates

I currently use the following to get as close as I can do to a file cut -d ' ' -f 3- /var/log/issues.log | sed -E 's/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}//g' | sort -u So far it gets rid of ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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How to count the number of consecutive identical lines

I have a file that looks like this: 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 I need a script to show me this: 2000 - 2 2001 - 4 2002 - 2 I prefer using sed or awk
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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1 answer

using variable in awk

Hello I would like to count number of words with specific lengths. I'm using this command. awk 'length == 2' mydict.txt | wc -l this code gives what I want but if try to put variable instead of ...
kekekeke's user avatar
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awk -- duplicating a column and also modifying its text

awk {'printf ("%5s\t%s\n", $0, $NF)'} test_VN.txt works for duplicating a column in a text file however, how can I add _VN before the .jpeg extension of the duplicated column? For example, ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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playing with awk command trying to remove first line in input

below is my input file, results keep returning "Breed has Votes votes" Breed, Votes Black Lab, 30 Chihuahua, 2 Pug, 1 Corgi, 45 Shar Pei, 21 Shih Tzu, 5 ...
iwantcaketoo's user avatar
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awk command return not found on Ubuntu desktop but work well on Centos

I create to read a file with content item1:return1 item2:return2 ... item10:return10 content VAR1=$1 VAR2= `grep "^${VAR1}:" /home/path/file | awk '{print $2;}'` echo "...
Shuch Saipay's user avatar
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How to check whether one number range from one file is the subset of other number range from other file?

I'm trying to find out whether range1 numbers [both columns a and b] are the subset or lying between range2's columns [both columns b and c]. range1 a b 15 20 8 10 37 44 32 ...
vibhu sharma's user avatar
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Awk command with word as delimitor

How to I use awk to cut based on a word that keeps everything after it : Example: File.txt > XXXXWORDNNNNNN XXXWORDNNNNNNN XXWORDNNNNNNNN XWORDNNNNNNNNN WORDNNNNNNNNNN output desired: File.txt &...
Carolina Carpenter's user avatar
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Redirecting output from printf to /dev/tty in awk

I have a question on awk. #!/usr/bin/nawk -f { if (NF != 4) { error("Expected 4 fields"); } else { print; } } function error ( message ) { if (FILENAME != &...
Logan Lee's user avatar
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4 answers

How to cut part of line?

I need to cut line in specific moment, I want to display GPU name, but only name, nothing else. inxi -Gx | grep Device showing: Device-2: NVIDIA GK107GLM [Quadro K1100M] vendor: Dell driver: nouveau ...
Grzegorz Michalak's user avatar
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Find and replace the entire line of the source file [closed]

I am working on a batch script which will call the .awk file to execute the find and replace. batch file script.cmd file --> @gawk -f "%Modify.awk%" "%Temp.csv%" < "%...
Amala's user avatar
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tweak of two files

I am trying to merge two csv files based on 1st column (include both "exact string match" and "partial match") and if doesn't match - add those string but with blank 2nd column ...
Sin15's user avatar
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3 answers

Keep header from file1 and add column from file2 to file1

I need to copy a specific column from file2 to my file1, while keeping the header from file1. File1: ##header ##header ##header A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 File2: D1 E1 F1 D2 E2 F2 newfile: ##header ##header #...
user1197728's user avatar
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Changes in AWK on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?

I am working with some huge astronomical databases and I just realized that awk is not working as expected. I'm downloading and cutting some .gz files, but awk restrictions are weird, let me share a ...
Rafael Miloni Santucci's user avatar
2 votes
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How to keep original decimal numbers without rounding off

I am trying to compute the sum of the travel distance and it is computed perfectly in the text file. However, the results would be rounded off to 4 decimal places For instance, whenever I tried to add ...
Joseph's user avatar
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How to print awk's results with different colors for different fields?

ads2 cls create | awk -F [\"] '/^>>> cluster established .../ { strt=1 } strt!=1 { next } $1 ~ "name" { cnt++;nam[cnt]=$2 } $1 ~ "state" {stat[cnt]=$2;print -e "...
k.jbaili's user avatar
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1 answer

awk - compare two files and print all columns from both files

I want to compare two files File 1: evm.TU.PTPU-T1. PF00808 evm.TU.PTP-T1 PF00498 evm.TU.PTPX-T1 PF00250 evm.TU.PAN-T1 PF00817 File 2: PF00808 CL0012 Histone CBFD_NFYB_HMF ...
Annotator's user avatar

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