Linked Questions

1179 votes
16 answers

Where is the cron / crontab log?

I want to verify that my cron job is executing and at what time. I believe there is a log for my sudo crontab -e jobs, but where? I searched google and found recommendations to look in /var/log (...
Scott Szretter's user avatar
203 votes
1 answer

How do I override or configure systemd services?

Many sysv init scripts used a corresponding file in /etc/default to allow the administrator to configure it. Upstart jobs can be modified using .override files. How do I override or configure systemd ...
muru's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Where are cron logs stored on Ubuntu 14.04?

I am trying to troubleshoot why my cron task isn't working sometimes. Where does cron store log files by default? Is it /var/log/syslog ? I have looked at that file and it is empty. Do I need to ...
timbram's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to detect error in cron jobs

The reasons why a cron job may fail is really very large. Most common reasons may be, Syntax error Using executable without proper path Using a shell variable which is not defined in cron environment ...
sourav c.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Crontab and C program that should be executed into a terminal window

I want to create Cron job to run a compiled .c file. Let's say I have a file, called program.c, on my desktop. I compile it using gcc program.c, which creates a.out executable file. I want to open a ...
IDK's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I change my cron loglevel to 7 from default value 1?

> man cron, tells me that the default log level for cron is 1; i.e. cron "will log the start of all cron jobs." I want to set that to 7, so I checked in all the wrong places, starting with the file ...
Cbhihe's user avatar
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Where do I look for cron errors [duplicate]

I have 2 cron jobs that were running fine but now stopped running. I looked through my crontab and everything looks OK. How can I tell if these jobs are running? is there a place where cron stores ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to change cron log level?

I replaced exec cron with exec cron -L 15 the run sudo service cron reload, sudo service cron restart but nothing changed. Cron doesn't log the end of jobs and doesn't log failed jobs. I hade no ...
max5555's user avatar
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Where is my cronlog? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Where is the cron / crontab log? While trying to Google this a lot of sources claims there's a cron log in /var/log but I have none. I'm fairly convinced cron has run and I ...
Kit Sunde's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Cron task appears to run in syslog, but does not appear to be actually running

I made a short script on one server to backup a folder and send it via FTP to another server. I'm trying to set it to run every minute using crontab. It works perfectly when I run it manually, but ...
Parker Kemp's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Issues getting crontab to work.

Hey guys I'm really new to linux and still learning so hopefully this will be an easy one for you guys. I'm trying to learn more about how to use cron to schedule events on my ubuntu machine. Right ...
LSKidson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

16.04 LTS How to make the system announce the time at the top of the hour with eSpeak

Past versions of Ubuntu had speech built in. Searching in Unity I can't find anything with the words "speak" nor "speech" that are relevant for TTS My plan is to have cron jobs speak so I can ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't cron complete my script?

I have a backup script (rsync via ssh) which is run by cron (configured in /etc/crontab) 0 2 * * * root /bin/bash --login /opt/aebackup/ If I run it as logged in root like ...
brickinthewall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS random freezes after few hours of uptime

Ubuntu has been freezing randomly for some time now. Usually after a freeze, the crash screen would be up and it would show the exec path as update-notifer. Today after 9 hours of uptime it froze ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Opening vim inside terminator window

I have started using the terminator emulator, and overall it's great. One annoying issue I have however, is that everytime I open up vim inside of it the window acts very odd. Basically all the ...
Jmaff's user avatar
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