Linked Questions

2 votes
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How to alter the keyboard layout key-by-key? [duplicate]

I would like to change my keyboard layout individually. For example switch the A key to B. Do I need a special software or is it possible directly in Ubuntu 12.04? I found a ru file under /usr/share/...
C.Colden's user avatar
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CAPS LOCK to CONTROL remap is reset after screen lock [duplicate]

I am trying to map my Caps Lock to Control. To that end I added the following: setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps to the Startup Applications menu. This works fine whenever I start the system, however, ...
Dror's user avatar
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How to reconfigure keyboard (W and P not functioning correctly) [duplicate]

I was reluctant in asking this question but everything I've researched has led me to a dead end. Shift + w and Shift + p aren't working correctly. So I'm unable to use W and P unless I use the caps ...
Tate's user avatar
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How to make left Ctrl as Super on Ubuntu 12.10? [duplicate]

Is there a way to map the Left Ctrl as Super on Ubuntu 12.10. The keyboard layout app doesn't seem to have this option.
Hopstream's user avatar
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Shortcuts with meta and two arrowkeys? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use meta+arrowkey+arrowkey as a shortcut?
ksar's user avatar
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How to define shortcut-keys for executing certain applications? [duplicate]

How can I define shortcut-keys for executing certain applications? Like opening Terminal when pressing Ctrl+t or opening gedit when pressing Ctrl+g.
B Faley's user avatar
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How to remapping keyboard? [duplicate]

I had problem about keyboard. My 's' button was not working and i want to map 's' character to another button for use it temporarily. how can i do it?
fronthem's user avatar
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How do I remap keys in ubuntu? [duplicate]

I already know of Xmodmap, but this won't work for me. I'm using a laptop, and I spilled coffee on the built-in keyboard and ruined it, so I'm now using a usb keyboard. On my laptop's keyboard, there ...
DrPugsley's user avatar
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Rebinding Super key shortcut in Ubuntu 12.10 [duplicate]

In Ubuntu 12.10, Super key is binded to Dash Home and to show all open windows I have to press Super + W. How can I change the shortcuts (I want to show all open windows by only pressing Super)? In ...
Sh1d0w's user avatar
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Cannot create file in /tmp from script [duplicate]

I have a simple script that stores the user info in a file and then locks the screen: #!/bin/bash echo $USER > /tmp/file.txt # Lock the screen: gnome-screensaver-command -l When I execute it from ...
igobivo's user avatar
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Changing Keyboard to Include "<-" [duplicate]

How would I change a key on my keyboard to print "<-", for R? I understand how to change a key to either "less" or "minus" in the keyboard files, but how would I change a key to include both?
user100607's user avatar
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Microsoft Keyboard shortcuts [duplicate]

I am using Microsoft Keyboard (With Ubuntu 12.04 KDE 64bit) and I have some keys there. For example Calculator key and start keys. I want start calculator as I press Calculator key and display Ubuntu ...
Huseyin's user avatar
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Bind Super + I/J/K/L to arrow keys [duplicate]

I want to bind Super+I/J/K/L keys to arrows. Let say if I press Super+I it would be the same as pressing ↑. If I press Super+K it would be the same as pressing ↓. I have edited /usr/share/X11/xkb/...
Carlos Muñoz Pelaz's user avatar
283 votes
11 answers

How do I remap certain keys or devices?

I'm searching for a way to remap certain keys in ubuntu. i.e. I'd like to change PgUp to Home or PgDown to End. Does a built-in command or a tool exist reassign keys in Ubuntu/GNOME?
NES's user avatar
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Permanent xmodmap in Ubuntu 13.04

I cannot make xmodmap run on login in Ubuntu 13.04. I have searched around, including in askubuntu and all answers I found do not work. I have a file named .Xmodmap in my home folder which contains ...
Alexander Karatarakis's user avatar

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