Linked Questions

2 votes
3 answers

$PATH not saved as I login again [duplicate]

When I make a change in my ~/.bash_profile file and I add such a variable as: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" And after save and close, I need to reflect these changes in my $PATH ...
Jack Sierkstra's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to set environment without sourcing .bash_profile myself every time? [duplicate]

When I restart Ubuntu 14.04, environment variables are set back to default and I have to run source .bash_profile every time which is very annoying. I generally keep my environment vars in ....
quartaela's user avatar
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Konsole does not execute .profile or .bash_profile [duplicate]

When I open Konsole the settings in .profile are not executed, and it means the ~/bin is not added to the PATH. Is there a way to get Konsole to do that? PS. Is there a way to tell whether Konsole ...
vfclists's user avatar
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problem with call command on local terminal [duplicate]

When I make a ssh connection with root account to my desktop using putty and installed some programs. when I list that program type and press doubletab, will complete/list all associated commands. Ex....
danuel's user avatar
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Alias in terminal no longer works in 17.10 [duplicate]

I must have done something to my environment in Ubuntu 17.10 as alias in the terminal no longer works. Probably/Maybe after a apt-get autoremove (I guess). Open a terminal and running echo $shell ...
Pal Bergstrom's user avatar
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Does Ubuntu handle 'bash_profile' differently from OS X in subshells? [duplicate]

On my OS X system, when I use a subshell (for example with screen), the settings in my .bash_profile are inherited, but on Ubuntu, they are not, and in order to get the same behavior I have on OS X I ...
orome's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why do I need to run source command for making .bash_profile alias available?

My .bash_profile is like below: alias l='ls -l' alias p='pwd' alias sites='cd /home/caveman/sites' alias time_card='cd /home/caveman/sites/time-card/time-card' alias ping='ping' alias ...
mushfiq's user avatar
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6 votes
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Accidentally removed $HOME/bin

I accidentally removed my ~/bin directory. I have seen plenty of questions asking what to do if /usr/bin is removed, and that situation seems to be much more serious. What can I do to reconstruct the ...
preferred_anon's user avatar
4 votes
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Which bash profile file should I use for each scenario?

I have seen many detailed explanations on how .bashrc, .bash_profile and the various other profile files interact, so I'm not after an explanation of how they fit together (I've read many such ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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My PATH variable resets itself when closing terminal

I want to add texlive's directory to my PATH, so i type export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-linux and it update the PATH variable correctly. I can use commands listed in texlive path, ...
TBrsx's user avatar
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"Can't open" an /opt file

This is my first post. I wanted to ask for any idea so to solve my problem. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and my purpose is to use OpenFoam CFD software. I am trying to execute an script called Allrun ...
Danubi's user avatar
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A layman's guide to understand stages of ubuntu startup/booting

It arose from the situation when I wanted to run a script on every time the system starts. I noticed that there are a number of places such as init.d, rc.local, bash_profile, ~/config/autostart, ~/...
Loves Probability's user avatar
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How to Source the .bash_profile?

I was following this article to get rid of WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available. and whenever I'd do . ~/.bash_profile it ...
nkhl's user avatar
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problem to update bash profile

Each time i work with a tool named criu, i set the path variable: PATH=$PATH:/home/th/criu-1.3-rc2; export PATH to be able to run criu dump but when I close the terminal and open it, it does not ...
researcher's user avatar