Linked Questions

1 vote
2 answers

Uniquely identify a debian package

I see three checksums in a .deb package: md5sum sha1 sha256 Why do we need 3 checksums? Can we use any one of these to uniquely identify a Debian package?
alok aggarwal's user avatar
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1 answer

Do I need to do maintenance on Ubuntu like you do on Windows?

I am wondering if I need to do things like Defragmentation and Clear Cache, to keep Ubuntu running smoothly like that done on Windows?
Austin's user avatar
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file acess slow after deletion of many files

I recently accidentally created millions of files in one folder (rougly 5 million) and due to limitations I couldn't process them correctly (maximum argument count exceeded for wc / ls and such stuff)....
stefan's user avatar
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3 answers

Speed Up Ubuntu 13.10

Since i m new one to ubuntu. When using windows 8 OS, there are lot of ways to speed up the system performance. That is why i want to know what are the possible ways for best performance of system. I ...
user266611's user avatar

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