Linked Questions

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Can I make a user's home directory be /var/www/html for vsftp? [duplicate]

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 web server. It only hosts one site using Nginx. I want to keep things very simple, and store the index.html file and the whole website in /var/www/html. I need to be able to ...
Questioner's user avatar
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WordPress and Ubuntu, www-data and ubuntu for FTP [duplicate]

I posted this in stackoverflow but no one can give me an answer. ... I'm using Amazon EC2. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I'm also using Apache 2. I have WordPress installed on my server. I do: chown -R ...
Jason Bale's user avatar
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How to add php website files to XAMPP? [duplicate]

Ubuntu newbie trying to migrate from Windows. I installed XAMPP, the installer placed the files in /opt/. I am trying to add my own work and after some digging I found that XAMPP serves files from ...
MkMan's user avatar
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Permissions for Wordpress on Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

On my web server - runnnig LAMP - I have a Wordpress installation, where I'd like to set the ownerships/permissions like this: my-username is the owner of all files while the owner group is www-data (...
galingong's user avatar
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Wordpress permissions conflict with www-data and ftp [duplicate]

Running: Ubuntu 18.04, Nginx 1.14 I read somewhere that running Wordpress in 'fs_direct' mode is a security threat, so I wanted to completely scrap that idea and stick to a local ftp server instead. ...
Tyler DeBoy's user avatar
196 votes
8 answers

How to avoid using sudo when working in /var/www?

I want to stop having to use sudo everytime I work in /var/www. How can I do that? I simply want to put all of my sites into this directory and work with them without too much pain.
TaylorOtwell's user avatar
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144 votes
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What is the "t" letter in the output of "ls -ld /tmp"?

When running the command ls -ld /tmp, the output would be: drwxrwxrwt 30 root root 20480 Mar 11 14:17 /tmp So I have two main questions: What is the letter t after the permissions? As far as I know ...
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87 votes
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How to setup a restricted SFTP server on Ubuntu?

I would like to know how to set up root, sudo, sftp-only user accounts which won't be required public key authentication at log in. I would also like to know how to set up sftp-only users' home ...
Yuya Kobayashi's user avatar
48 votes
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Change Apache document root folder to secondary hard drive

I installed the ubuntu 12.04 server edition for my server pc . i had installed lamp server. i need to change the var/www location to my secondary hard disk location. i was configured so many time to ...
Moovendra Dhinesh babu's user avatar
66 votes
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Permissions problems with /var/www/html and my own home directory for a website document root

I'm trying to not give 777 permission in my /var/www/html folder, but I want to edit my files without sudo. So I thought to create a symlink of a folder in my home directory within /var/www/html. I ...
André Carvalho's user avatar
40 votes
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How do I give www-data user to a folder in my home folder?

I have a folder: /home/myuser/folderA I want to give the www-data user write access to the above, while 'myuser' continues to have normal access (as it is myuser's home folder anyway). Which ...
nLinked's user avatar
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7 votes
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apache won't index folder from another mount

I'm trying to enable directory listing for a folder outside the web root, from a different local ext4 mount that uses Basic Authentication, but I'm getting an empty list and no logged errors. What's ...
user255406's user avatar
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apache2 is directing to wrong path

i follow this link to set vhosts and managed to get first site at var/www/html and second site var/...
U Veerabhadra Swamy's user avatar
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Permission Denied in /var/www/public_html. I am member of www-data

Hi just installed Apache2 on Ubuntu 20.04. Added myself to www-data group. id prateek uid=1000(prateek) gid=1000(prateek) groups=1000(prateek),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),33(www-data),46(plugdev)...
GunJack's user avatar
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How can I make a specific root folder accessible for a user?

I have installed Nextcloud via snaps, and it stores its files under /var/snap/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data/FriedRose/files, owned by root. I like to give my normal user access to read and write to /...
HappyFace's user avatar
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