I have a hfsplus external harddrive, which I have to write to. Problem is, that it is read-only. A few days ago, I disabled journaling on a OSX-System and then I could write on it. Now a coworker used it, and I cannot write anymore. I checked the journaling and it is still disabled.
This is how the mounted harddrive is shown with the mount
/dev/sdc1 on /media/myusername/nameofharddrive type hfsplus (ro,relatime,umask=22,uid=0,gid=0,nls=utf8)
I tried out several things I found on here, but nothing worked. For example the tips given here: https://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write
I really don't know what to try anymore, so any idea is welcome.