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Prevent gedit from creating files with the '~' suffix

I dont know how to explain it very well so I took a picture of it.

It seems that every time I edit a Text file and save it, the sistem makes a file with the changes or whatever next to the other file. I am making a website and when I copy them through ftp it takes longer becaouse of those files, and i have to delete them one by one in the folder every time I edit them

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Do you use gedit?

If so, uncheck the following settings in Edit | Preferences menu:

File Saving:

  • Create a backup copy of files before saving
  • Autosave files in every [ ] minutes

Doing so will disable these „safety features” of the editor. It might be better though to keep these enabled and run a pre-upload script to clean up the unwanted files (or filter them in your synchronization client).

  • Thankyou! It helped me a lot. Its good to know that I can do that, although I used the script solution. Jan 27, 2012 at 10:44
  • The Script: #! /bin/bash find . -type f -name "*.*~" -exec rm -i '{}' \; Save it and give it execute permission, then run Jan 27, 2012 at 10:45

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