I hope somebody can help me with this frustrating problem. I'm running ubuntu 12.04, when I start my PC, it boots me into the login screen as guest. When I try to login, I always return as guest into the login screen. After pushing the login in button a few times I get a black screen with a white cross.

So I started to search the internet for a solution for my problem. Where I found a lot of threats where they said you should remove you .Xauthority. I followed this and rebooted my machine. After reboot I still have the same issue.

Is there anybody who can give me some support. (I'm not a ubuntu specialist)

Kind regards, TMJJ

  • Hey there, has this ever worked? Also, what's the make and model of the GPU? This could be a driver issue. Nvidia is a common problem child.
    – TopHat
    Dec 20, 2017 at 22:00
  • Hi, it worked for 1 year. I allready updated the nvidia driver. I followed the following threat askubuntu.com/questions/266680/login-screen-loop?rq=1 without good result
    – TMJ
    Dec 21, 2017 at 9:59


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