I followed the instructions shown here: How to install Viber in Ubuntu?
wget http://download.cdn.viber.com/cdn/desktop/Linux/Viber.zip
unzip Viber.zip
cd Viber
All was fine, but the last command doesn't work:
$ ~/Viber/Viber.sh
/home/erik/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/erik/Viber/Viber: �: not found
/home/erik/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/erik/Viber/Viber: /home/erik/Viber/Viber: 1: /home/erik/Viber/Viber: ELF: not found
Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
If I write:
$ Viber.sh
Viber.sh: command not found
But Viber.sh is in the directory:
$ ls
??????@?? libQt5OpenGL.so.5 libViber.so
imageformats libQt5PrintSupport.so.5 libXss.so.1
libbfd-2.22-system.so libQt5Qml.so.5 ??ME@H
libicudata.so.48 libQt5Quick.so.5 platforms
libicui18n.so.48 libQt5Sql.so.5 Sound
libicuuc.so.48 libQt5Svg.so.5 sqldrivers
libQt5Core.so.5 libQt5V8.so.5 Viber
libQt5DBus.so.5 libQt5WebKit.so.5 Viber_icon.png
libQt5Gui.so.5 libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5 Viber.sh
libQt5Network.so.5 libQt5Widgets.so.5
I also got a Viber icon in Dash, but clicking on it does not open Viber
bash Viber.sh
? I think Viber.sh is using dash shell, which might be causing the issue.file ~/Viber/Viber.sh; md5sum ~/Viber/Viber.sh; sh -n ~/Viber/Viber.sh
? Thanks.