While trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 the updater looks like it's removing ia32-libs (okay, fine, I don't care) and third party apps that list it as a dependency. That is not okay.

How do I make it not remove my apps?

Note: the reason I'm extremely reluctant to allow this is that I have reason to not trust that reinstalling it after the fact will work correctly, if at all. (Among other things, I can't find anywhere that I can install the exact current version from!)

  • A question just like your's was answered here.
    – Noonamous
    Oct 30, 2017 at 3:06
  • @Noonamous I don't see much if any connection between that question and mine. It is taking about the general problem where the answer is "do an an in-place upgrade", where as I'm asking about how to make the in-place upgrade I'm doing not uninstall something I need. --- As it happens, I was lucky enough to be able to find a .deb for the app in question (that was a patch level upgrade) and didn't have the dependency on ia32-libs so this question is now moot in my case, but I'll leave it open in case someone knows how to solve it where that workaround doesn't work.
    – BCS
    Oct 30, 2017 at 3:34

1 Answer 1


ia32-libs is obsolete and was removed from Ubuntu ages ago. If you have unofficial packages that depend on it, contact their respective developers about obtaining a more recent version.

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