I am in the middle of a massive file transfer. The file transfer window either never shows up or disappears when I move to another folder. I have tried everything to bring it back and no, i did not press Super+D keys either.

The show copy dialog option you get when you right click on Files Icon on the left of the screen is not working.

Alt+Tab, Alt + ~ also not working

It is quite a troublesome thing when you cant figure this status, especially when your work involves a lot of copying/moving folders.

Please help!

  • 1
    I get exactly the same problem. Very frustrating. There is even an option to "Show Copy Dialog" when you right click on the Launcher, but this doesn't work for me. I have also noticed the same problem with non-modal windows elsewhere in Ubuntu. They are not brought to the foreground when you switch to a minimized window. See also this answer askubuntu.com/questions/612858/…
    – DAB
    Dec 13, 2017 at 10:11


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