The Solution
Use Tomcat to block all connections with the exception of administrator IP Addresses (which were static to us and known).
The Steps
Open the context.xml file, located in [Tomcat]\conf\context.xml, where [Tomcat] is the base location of your Tomcat server.
If you've never edited this file before, you should see a line like the following:
Add the following line directly after the tag:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="IP1|IP2|IP3"/>
...where IP1, IP2, IP3, etc. are the IP addresses you would like to allow.
Restart the Tomcat server.
Notes on How it Works
This valve uses regular expressions, so if you decided to get fancy with it, you certainly could (provided you know a little about Java Regular Expressions). For our purposes, the pipe ("|") character in-between the IP addresses works as an "or" operator. If the Remote Address Value matches any of these full strings, it is allowed.
Note that by default, this denies every other connection.
If you'd like to allow all connections except certain IP addresses, you can change the "allow" attribute to "deny"; all connections will be allowed except those in the deny attribute, which still uses Java regular expressions.
To my knowledge, this "valve" structure can't be stacked. That is to say, you can't do a "deny all" valve and then stack multiple types of "allow valves" on top of it. If anyone knows if this is possible, feel free to sound off in the comments.
Hope this helps!