I Can't Access https://getcomposer.org (Through URL and Curl). When I tried to access through URL its not loading the page. And When I curl the same It shows Connection Timed Out.

curl: (7) Failed to connect to getcomposer.org port 443: Connection timed out  

I need to install composer in my Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install composer  

This worked fine for me. But when I tried to self update using

sudo composer self-update  

It throws an error.

Command "self-update" is not defined.

I have already tried different solutions at Stack Overflow, Ask Ubuntu and GitHub, but nothing worked for me. I didn't enabled any firewall and I'm not using any proxy. OpenSSL enabled.

1 Answer 1


I tried to access https://getcomposer.org with VPN from vpnbook and it works fine. For some people getcomposer.org will not accessible. because of there Lan May be Shared with multiple people. So If you can't access getcomposer.org, have a try with any VPN.

Thank You.

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