
Is it possible to make split rar files from a big file in multiple sessions? for example I have 100GB disk with a 60GB file in it, I need to make split rar files to upload them to a server which max accepted file size is 2gb, but cant because I need 120 GB. is it possible to make 15 2gb parts, download them , then make next 15 and next and next ?

1 Answer 1


You could use ctrl+z to suspend rar compression, then upload and delete previous created files, and then use fg to continue rar.

Alternatively you could create files named myrar.part16.rar, myrar.part31.rar,... using something like touch myrar.part{16,31,46,61,76,91}.rar and rar will pause at each of these asking you whether you want to overwrite.

  • The ctrl-z solution works,however I thought of the alternate before but it gives me this error askubuntu.com/questions/910128/…
    – papampi
    May 29, 2017 at 11:15
  • Tried to skip part01 and get this error code # rar a -m0 -v2000000 test testfile Creating archive test.rar Adding testfile Calculating the control sum test.part01.rar already exists. Overwrite it ? [Y]es, [N]o, [A]ll, n[E]ver, [R]ename, [Q]uit N Cannot rename test.rar to test.part01.rar No such file or directory code
    – papampi
    May 30, 2017 at 5:46

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