I got an GNU Emacs' problem, it can't work on X11 and crashes with a message "Font `Ubuntu Mono 13' is not defined" but it works fine without X, more Xemacs can run without problem, GNU Emacs is a version 23.2.1 and Xemacs is a [version 21.4.22; August 2010]
I saw the kotnik's post ont the 2011-11-21 22:45:49 and my problem is not related with these ttf-ubuntu-font-family
as they are installed and it makes no help then i have no .emacs file and .emacs.d/ folder is empty.
The problem seems to be related with my user's profile cause it works fine with an other user's profile on the same system (the .emacs.d/ folder on that account is the same than mine.
and with-Q
if the problem goes away with-q
it's your fault (your configuration under .emacs or .emacs.d) if the problem goes away with-Q
then there is a problem with your system configuration or your X resources (something in .Xresources or /etc/)