Not sure how to do this with chromium
Set default home page
You can set the default page by editing /etc/firefox/syspref.js
# Graphical
gksu gedit /etc/firefox/syspref.js
# Command line
sudo -e /etc/firefox/syspref.js
At the bottom of the file add:
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "");
Obviously change "" to the page of your choice (or not).
This change will not affect existing firefox profiles for existing users. You can reset all users home pages with
sudo sed -i -e '/startup.homepage/d' /home/*/.mozilla/firefox/*/prefs.js
change "/home/*" to "~user_name" for a single user.
sudo sed -i -e '/startup.homepage/d' ~bodhi/.mozilla/firefox/*/prefs.js
Lock home page
You can lock the home page for all users by editing /etc/firefox/syspref.js
and using
lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "");
Although again this does not affect existing profiles, you would need to run the sed command again ;)