The Ubuntu 17.04 distribution is not connecting to Internet, not in a live USB session, nor after the install. I've got a Dell Inspiron 24-7459. This is a major issue as I cannot update or download anything. Without the possibility of connecting to the Internet I'm completely stuck.

I've followed the instructions on this thread and nothing changes:

Can't connect to wifi on Ubuntu 17.04

In my case it's not a question of WIFI only. The Internet is not working even under the wired connection.

  • so this answer didn't work for you? have you tried to kill Network manager? or a reboot? Apr 22, 2017 at 11:33
  • Welcome to AskUbuntu! Could you please run the network diagnostics and edit your question to include a link to the result? I know it may seem a bit overwhelming for a novice but your info so far is a bit vague and the diagnostics will likely cover all options that may cause your issue. Thanks. Apr 22, 2017 at 12:00
  • Thanks, Sumeet. Before my post I already tried with no success the solutions of the link you've send me. I've killed many times the Network manager and rebooted the systems. All the things I try give no result for the moment.
    – Xavier
    Apr 22, 2017 at 12:03
  • Sorry David, I should have not posted anything as I don't want to disturb or make anger anyone. It's very difficult for me to suit your requirements, as my computer has no connection and I'm trying to do want I can with another one. I don't understand fully what to do. Everybody here has lots more knowledge than me. I'm not even a English speaker. It's complicated. I just wanted to install Ubuntu. Give me a bit of time to read, understand and try to post the things the way you say. Thanks for helping.
    – Xavier
    Apr 22, 2017 at 12:10

2 Answers 2



Go to System settings/Network/Wired/Options and then choose the enp4s0 option. It worked for me.

  • How does that solve Wi-Fi issue?
    – iammilind
    Aug 3, 2017 at 7:04

I had the case where I could connect to WiFi but couldn't access webpages due to DNS-related errors. This resolved it for me:

Ubuntu 17.04 systemd-resolved DNS lookups randomly fail

Ubuntu 17.04 can not resolve DNS servers with DNSSEC support as of 2017-04-18. Disable DNSSEC with this daemon:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d printf "[Resolve]\nDNSSEC=no\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/no-dnssec.conf

Optionally reconfigure resolvconf if you messed with it (say yes to "prepare /etc/resolve.conf for dynamic updates?"):

sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf

Restart systemd-resolved:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your DNS should start working. You can check by trying systemd-resolve www.google.com and seeing a response.

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