This is a follow-up to Wireless Interface Hard Blocker, Cannot Bring Up. Following the successful resolution of that issue, another problem began to happen - the wireless interface would intermitently become soft-block with no apparent reason. I have looked around, and it seems the commonly accepted solution is to blacklist a kernel module related to proprietary hardware.

For the time being, I have added the following script to my rc.local.

rfkill event | grep --line-buffered "soft 1" | while read line ; do
    id=$(echo $line | grep -o "idx [[:digit:]]*" | grep -o "[[:digit:]]");
    rfkill unblock "$id"; 

The said script programmatically unblock all interfaces that become blocked via a software block, thus providing a near seemless experience (besides the intermittent connects and disconnects from access points). I am not however satisfied with this solution as it is really bodged and hides the true problem.

Could you help me out? :)


P.S.: You can find all the necessary information about my computer wireless info here (done using Ubuntu Forums' wireless-info script)



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