So, I have a GitHub repository that I want to display the lines of code of the project on. So, I found a tool called loc
(lines of code) here. In the tool, it outputs the lines of code like so:
Language Files Lines Blank Comment Code
C++ 1 567 29 22 516
C/C++ Header 2 245 12 15 218
Total 3 812 41 37 734
Is there any way that I could grep
only the Total row in the Code column? The options for the loc
command only consist of this:
loc [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [target]...
--files Show stats for individual files
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--exclude <REGEX> Rust regex of files to exclude
--include <REGEX> Rust regex matching files to include. Anything not matched will be excluded
--sort <COLUMN> Column to sort by
<target>... File or directory to count