I want to create a symlink that should point to another directory.
Like inside directory /var/www/vhosts/ecash-staging.com/
should be a symlink named as ecash_root
that should pointing to --> /var/www/vhosts/ecash_cfe
How is this possible ?
I have googled but there some people said that there should be a dir ecash_root exist in /var/www/vhosts/ecash_cfe/...
but I do not want that.
i just have to create symlink in /var/..../ecash-staging.com/
name as ecash_root
that should point to /var/www/vhosts/ecash_cfe
but should not be a ecash_root dir inside /var/www/vhosts/ecash_cfe
thanks to all
ln --help
or/andman ln
and read it for additional information...