This can happen a lot with terminal multiplexers (screen, tmux, etc...)
If if you are running one of those, make sure that your TERM is set to screen-256color
for the broadest support. I've run into issues in BSD, Linux, Multiple x window managers, etc... from this.
Check for set -g default-terminal screen-256color
in ~/.tmux.conf
or term screen-256color
in ~/.screenrc
as TERM is changed by your multiplexer when you load it.
If echo $TERM
already says screen-256color
try this:
TERM='xterm' clear
. If that works, then your terminal emulator doesn't support the standard multiplexer configuration. You might need to add something special for that particular terminal emulator in your bashrc/bash_profile.
Keep in mind that this problem is related to your tool selection and configuration. Ubuntu attempts to choose defaults that work well with other defaults so that everything 'just works'.
dpkg -V ncurses-base ncurses-term