After upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 I noticed that Totem (the default video player) is no longer portraying its sidebar, which includes the much useful stack playlist. I judged this to be a bug, but it turns out this was a conscientious regression introduced by the software developers.

Therefore I am looking for an easy way to get back to an earlier Totem release. This could either be with a fork, say, a Nemo counterpart to Totem, or through an earlier full featured release (which I believe to have been 3.12) available from a PPA.

  • 2
    Same awful decision happened to Gedit, all the useful buttons were removed in favour of three small strange and ugly ones and much free space in the tool bar... Here's a question about downgrading Gedit - it won't be directly applicable, but maybe you can adapt the procedures there to your needs: askubuntu.com/q/766055/367990
    – Byte Commander
    Jul 13, 2016 at 8:13
  • An older totem with sidebar ect. would not be practicable & likely impossible to use in 16.04. No where near what was involved in using an older gedit which is in a ppa for 16.04. You should look for an alternate media player to suit your taste & use case.
    – doug
    Jul 13, 2016 at 17:06
  • This may suit you, in an ubuntu session a log out may be needed for it to show in the Dash. A search of xplayer or Videos should work. For some dumb reason the Name= in the xplayer.desktop is Videos, ie. the same as totem's. (- icon is different, it's the old one) - launchpad.net/~trebelnik-stefina/+archive/ubuntu/nero-linux
    – doug
    Jul 13, 2016 at 17:42
  • 2
    I see another ppa, newer, seems much better - launchpad.net/~embrosyn/+archive/ubuntu/xapps
    – doug
    Jul 13, 2016 at 17:47
  • 1
    doug, yours is the right answer. Would you please insert it? Aug 9, 2016 at 7:34


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