The desktop file specifies Icon=/path/name.xpm

But the actual icon is enter image description here

This is the icon before I specified Icon in desktop file. For some reason the icon never get refreshed, even across reboots.

I can confirm this is the correct desktop file (if I remove the file, the application goes away).

What icon is this? How can I refersh the icon cache?

OS used : Ubuntu 16.04

1 Answer 1


I think I found the answer.

desktop-file-install probably automatically added a default icon Icon[en_US]=gnome-panel-launcher before I added Icon below it. I totally did not see that line.

Most likely the locale specific Icon takes precedence over Icon

  • if this is the answer to your question you should accept it, even if it is your own answer...
    – Neni
    Jul 6, 2016 at 8:48
  • @Neni Of course you're right, but there is a delay of two days which needs to pass after asking the question before you can accept your own answer.
    – Byte Commander
    Jul 6, 2016 at 9:04

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