powertop reports that Intel CougarPoint HDMI is 100% active and there are reports that this device consumes a lot of power. If that is so, I would like to disable it as I never use it. Is there a way I can disable it?

I am using Ubuntu 11.10

  • You can use Gnome extension "Quick Settings Audio Devices Hider" to hide/show any audio devices you like. Dec 4, 2023 at 16:25

4 Answers 4


I had the same issue when I updated to Ubuntu 19.10.

  1. Open PulseAudio Volume Control. I believe it's already installed by default.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Find your HDMI device and set the Profile to Off.

PulseAudio Volume Control screenshot

If it's not install, you can install the PulseAudio control panel using:

sudo apt install pavucontrol
  • This solution is exactly what i needed and still works in 19.10 as of writing. (it isn't installed by default in 19.10) Jan 14, 2020 at 15:32
  • This is working for Ubuntu 20 by the way. I had system audio sent to analog stereo (aux headphones) but Firefox kept playing sound through my HDMI display speakers. Thank you! Jun 17, 2020 at 23:02
  • 9
    it keeps enabling itself again after some time. super annoying
    – sezanzeb
    Dec 16, 2020 at 14:42
  • 1
    Any solution to re-enabling issue? I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.. Jul 7, 2021 at 8:14
  • 4
    Found the solution for re-enabling. Open /etc/pulse/default.pa and comment out load-module module-switch-on-port-available line. Save file. Reload pulseaudio using pulseaudio -k. Jul 7, 2021 at 8:35
  1. Click on the speaker icon, top right. Choose 'Sound Settings...'
  2. Click on the Hardware tab
  3. Select the HDMI device and choose 'Off' from the pull-down menu.

enter image description here

  • 24
    The Hardware tab seems to have disappeared in newer versions of Ubuntu (I'm using 13.10 and don't see it.) Nov 8, 2013 at 19:28
  • 1
    Yea, what's up with that?
    – csvan
    Feb 26, 2016 at 13:26
  • Referring to GUI to solve these issues isn't a good idea, guis change. Radically and are contingent on config.
    – Owl
    Aug 4, 2019 at 12:47

As per other answer:

Off mode in pavucontrol lives it's own life and is not persistent.

Using load-module module-switch-on-port-available in /etc/pulse/default.pa does not look like a desired solution.

Another approach:

  • Sudo Edit: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

  • Add: blacklist snd_hda_codec_hdmi

  • Run: pulseaudio -k to restart pulseaudio.

Downside: even with it blacklisted it re-appear if it is on a device that is attached after boot. E.g: I have 6 monitors where one have HDMI-audio. If I de-activate the HDMI monitor and then activate it the HDMI-audio for it is activated. Have not investigate why.

  • How you get this? snd_hda_codec_hdmi i'm interested in disable a digital output, not hdmi
    – Arnold Roa
    Apr 2, 2022 at 10:52
  • @ArnoldRoa IIRC from lsmod. Not sure what you have to look for for digital output (SPDIF?). Apr 4, 2022 at 18:52

To disable the audio device (not just mute) run in terminal

sudo alsa force-unload

alsa options are


In case you require the audio device at a later stage.

  • 10
    This disables ALL devices. I want to disable just one.
    – Owl
    Aug 4, 2019 at 12:48
  • 1
    it's actually a somewhat useful answer regardless Aug 16, 2021 at 5:49

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